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[GourmetGuy V2] Use food with RebornBuddy

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There is a new version which should have fixed the issues everyone was having. Please get the latest version and report back any new bugs.
Great work, can't wait to test. Thanks for all the help to everyone trying to find solutions.

I have a feature request. Able to feed your Chocobo while using it in the field. Feeding for EXP buffs etc. can really cut down on the grind and is more efficient.
Great work, can't wait to test. Thanks for all the help to everyone trying to find solutions.

I have a feature request. Able to feed your Chocobo while using it in the field. Feeding for EXP buffs etc. can really cut down on the grind and is more efficient.

I like the idea, but I don't think that really goes with the scope of this plugin. Maybe as a standalone plugin though.
I was wondering if it was within the scope of this plugin or not. Since I do a lot of FATE grinding and leveling my Chocobo I just thought why shouldn't my chocobo be fed as well lol.
am i missing something? when i go to the settings to select a food its labled as such Raisens(HQ:False) i select raisens but they dont get eaten, also is there food that restores hp/mp over time while eating? that i missed, all i seem to have is food that increases some stats a small amount.

Thats my most recent logs.
The log you have attached is not the entire log. Please post a complete and unaltered log file.
The log you have attached is not the entire log. Please post a complete and unaltered log file.

I just recently deleted all my logs so that should have been it, im going to be running quest bot tonight i dont think it uses this plugin, but i will enable it anyway and post the logs in the morning.

Is there food like in WoW you sit and eat/drink to regain hp or is "food" only these small stat increases?
Simple fact guys, if you don't post a full and complete log, your post will get deleted. Please go back to the original post and re-read the section on Thread Management Rules.

Also, new version out with a few bugfixes.
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Hi, if is posible include spiritbond potions. Thx
So, I haven't ever used a spiritbond potion, can you give me some more information about it? Does it give you a WellFed buff?

Can you run the following code in the RebornConsole while you have a spiritbond potion in your bag so I can see what the details of it look like?

foreach (var item in ff14bot.Managers.InventoryManager.FilledSlots.Where(x => x.BagId == InventoryBagId.Bag1 || x.BagId == InventoryBagId.Bag2 || x.BagId == InventoryBagId.Bag3 || x.BagId == InventoryBagId.Bag4))
	Log("Name: " + item.Item.EnglishName + "\tItemCategory: " + item.Item.EquipmentCatagory + "\tActionType: " + item.ActionType + "\tCanUse: " + item.CanUse());

Based on the buff being 'Medicated' instead of 'Well Fed', this probably warrants a new Plugin (MedicatedGuy?) which can take advantage of all Meditated buff items.

I would definitely agree. The scope of this plugin is just to keep the "Well Fed" buff on you at all times. Spiritbond Potions are out of scope, sorry.
I would definitely agree. The scope of this plugin is just to keep the "Well Fed" buff on you at all times. Spiritbond Potions are out of scope, sorry.

But man, it would be fantastic if someone we knew who made an awesome plugin for eating food, made an awesome plugin for using medicine, too!?
Well, I'm just playing, but it would be really cool if you or someone else made it, it serves other reasonable purposes too, such as using cordials while gathering, potions/elixer when in critical HP's, and of course, spiritbonding pots are always a plus, too! :P
But man, it would be fantastic if someone we knew who made an awesome plugin for eating food, made an awesome plugin for using medicine, too!?
Well, I'm just playing, but it would be really cool if you or someone else made it, it serves other reasonable purposes too, such as using cordials while gathering, potions/elixer when in critical HP's, and of course, spiritbonding pots are always a plus, too! :P

There's a donate button in my sig...the more redbull I can buy, the more i'd be inclined to take requests on more plugins.

Right now, I'm taking a look at the plugins that I am/will be using in the future and if I think I can make them better, then I'm re-writing them to work better for me. I just happen to also be posting them on the forums to share with the rest of the community.

My next/current project is a re-write of Destiny I've already got it to a point where it's working beautifully for me(able to select what zones you want for different level ranges and gearset settings for each class/job, also just added a dropdown to be able to select and set a preferred routine). I plan on having it be able to set "most" of the settings that you can set in FateBot so that you won't actually have to open FateBot's GUI anymore. After I've got FateBot's settings in it, I'll add the ability to do AtmaFarming to it and it'll be a complete FateBotManager.
It seems like GourmetGuy prevented my bot from resurrecting.
You can find the log I posted here.


It's funny you mentioned that bug......I actually had run into that myself and put in a fix for it...I just forgot to upload it to the forums.

So I just uploaded a new version that checks to make sure we are alive before it tries to eat anything.

Thanks for pointing me to a log =)

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