login manager is set to 1 minute, but no skips to the next task.
View attachment 4340 2016-05-10 09.00.txt
login manager is set to 1 minute, but no skips to the next task.
View attachment 4340 2016-05-10 09.00.txt
Please attach your setting file.
Dear Alisha,
Regarding with my previous issue where my cha always go back and forth between Nat Pagle without doing anything else.
I've disable all my addons and still no help.
Please find the log attached.
Thank you.
I am having the same issue. Just Pagle and back, across all toons, even with the fishing services turned off.
View attachment 202111
Hello, I'll start by saying that this is great product. So my question is that garrison resources are scarce and I wanted to get garrison to rank 3. Do I just let gold boss run and it will automatically rank it to 3 or do I need to adjust settings. It seems all I am doing are follower quests and missions. Any help would be appreciated, thanks again.
I have a problem with my character not collecting lumber. It is in front of the tree but does not give the order to cut the tree. It's just standing still each time. I can manually cut the tree by right-clicking on it.
View attachment 202084
[13:43:52.356 N] [GoldBoss Engine 52.356]: Starting check for <Lumbermill>
[13:43:52.394 N] [GoldBoss Engine 52.394]: Searching for Quest Mob for Lvl3 Lumbermill Start Quest
[13:43:52.715 N] [GoldBoss Engine 52.715]: Waiting for Finish Cutting Tree
[13:43:52.716 N] [GoldBoss Engine 52.716]: <Timber> in Bags: 8, need more: 192
Hi there!
For current moment you can disable option for Turn In nearby Quests, more info here:
also, i can inform, i found a workaround for this, will be add in next release build.
For max fast getting GarrisonResources, i can suggest to use my ProfitMaster Pack: @ProfitMaster: Garrison Resource Farm
You can find it in Store: https://store.buddyauth.com/Home/Search?searchText=Alisha
Also you can build LumberMill which helps to farm Garrison Resources. If you have it, GoldBoss will farm Lumber for you, tho it wont be any comparable fast as via ProfitMaster.
As i can see from log it's executing Quest for Lvl 3 LumberMill, during it it will be waiting for Quest NPC to appear.
Also as i can see it cutting trees normally.
Do not see any issue with it.
Ok, i will pick up profit master when I get home from work, thanks for all your help
Well, I still had my http://www.wowhead.com/item=115467/barkskin-tome in my bags. After opening it started the quest "Legacy of the Ancients" (necessary for Lumbermill lvl 3) and now my character is collecting. Before this, my character was just standing still and doing nothing in front of a tree. (Waited more than 10 minutes before I manually took action).
Seems to be solved by starting this quest.
Thank you very much for perhaps the top Honorbuddy products aside from CRs, Alisha.
Can you please summarize to me the difference between the ProfitMaster pack and the GoldBoss pack? Just briefly, to cover the essence of the difference; I'm kinda new.