Have not ran this profile, But running my DH in GF gear(ferrets + gifted 2900dps raven wings bow, avarice, 100% 41 leorics, gold find on marauder gloves boots legs shoulders and quiver 30-35% per) I am able to reach about 13500% GF, on T6 GF scales big time. 35% GF is about 500%, So my 100% leorics with a max emerald 41% gives me around 1900% total alone, My bow has I dunno 75% i think. I don't use goldskin because I prefer the m6 set bonus over it. When I run t6 rifts I still blast through them quite fast despite being in GF gear with no TnT on for fast sentry speed and am able to get about this amount of gph. But when I run ruins of corvus manually I get literally double what a rift gives just because of the tons of low hp mobs. Reading the last few comments seems like it might be broken but I dunno I might give it a try if its still working. I have a level 43 boon but i think a 80% or even 75% boon is plenty enough, I had just let my bot run over night a few times with boon/kymbos on and wake up to a few bil gold.
For a demon hunter these are best options:
Ravens Wing bow (secondary always GF, raven picks up gold for you like ferrets do)
Leorics Crown (obvious)
find GF on any set piece of marauder you get, each roll is 400-500% in t6