at first i was skeptical of his post it is plain text and could easily be faked.
he asked how
i presented a modified version of his original text, this time in an official quote bubble
he was like, why do you think everything on the internet is fake
i was like dood, here is a sample of two work images in a project im currently working on, showing how even pictures can be faked. i claimed 1s and 0s were not to be trusted
i also had a friendly post where i kinda let people know if they are coming to the forums 'quoting for truth' an idea, then they need to make sure and bring the best backup proof they can. take a screenshot instead of copy pasting text, or in the case of the other 23 threads, linking actual sources for blanket comments on the law. how hard is it to actually google and do 2 minutes of research to see if an idea you are spewing actually has merit.
finally someone posted actual facts about eu law. it was an interesting read. and since he didnt just post excerpts, he actually posted the link back to where he got the data, its very believable.
the whole of my comments on this thread were to inform people to be better prepared when posting data on the forums. if you are going to 'quote a law' then ffs, add a link where you got the damn quote so you dont look like a fool.
if you are going to quote a gm email, post a redacted screenshot. if you are going to quote an ingame conversation with a gm, take a sceenshot. if you are going to post a ticket response,... you get the idea.
copy pasting text is super lazy and not very believable. try harder people. we want to believe you. there are thousands of us just waiting to jump on the bandwagon with anyone who posts a believable theory. try to convince us.
the conspiracy theory nut wants me to run that through a translator, just in case you took the time to hide a message in there....