The problem most users here have, is that you think other peoples settings will help you get higher rating. I am sorry, but other peoples settings wont help you one bit.Can anyone send me some really good CR Settings for turbo cleave or any 3's oriented in general? Add my skype romulusares or just pm me thank you
You the player have to tweak the settings to your liking and for the setup you play. The profiles keeps pressing out the maximum DPS it can, while keeping hamstring etc up, there are no setting in this CR that will make it do more or less DPS. Settings are for using offensive or deffensive cds, and most of them you have to control your self with the help of your team mates.
Eg. if you set it to shield wall at 25% hp, it will do it every time perfect, but if your healer tells you, that he got you and the bot uses SW, you have failed and will stay at 2k rating. This CR is amazing, but you need to know the basic of all classes to do well in arena, and you need to communicate with your team mates.