Entangling roots is not in the list of reflected casts. The CR was either using reflect for a different cast you didn't see or used it to reflect the resto 2 piece bonus which is a separate spell reflect option that you can disable called "Spell Reflect enemy buffs"Is it possible that you can add more customization for reflect/mass reflect? I can only modify the interrupt list. Pretty sad when I see the CR reflecting Entangling Roots and then get followed up by a Cyc/Poly etc
Entangling roots is not in the list of reflected casts. The CR was either using reflect for a different cast you didn't see or used it to reflect the resto 2 piece bonus which is a separate spell reflect option that you can disable called "Spell Reflect enemy buffs"
Regardless of that we might add a custom list
is this really much better then basic routines already in the bot?
no reason to be sarcastic im asking an honest question, never purchased a routine anywhere. And im not very good at botting.rofl
no reason to be sarcastic im asking an honest question, never purchased a routine anywhere. And im not very good at botting.
Does this come with good presets on the skills or do i need to tweak a bunch of settings? Is it good for PvE and is this really much better then basic routines already in the bot?
That's not what it means so please just stop talking complete bs when you clearly don't know anything about the subjectedit olso spam saying another action in progress which is mean rotation is have some errors
This is my last reply to you unless you start asking some actual questions or provide some meaningful feedback.
thank you for replays Toizi
I am tring to figure out whats my problem thats all, in your version .19 war great and powerfull routing, now after the update i do low dmg less than healers. and i am nomber 5 in dmg list in 3vs3 in both spec arm and fury.
i dont know why.if you dont like to help non english custumers i will just delete your routing like how i did for BGfamer, and yes you routing is broke and the last update missed up
fresh pics