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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

Is GSAERO still in this routine? I used to love that feature last season. Swear it helped me go from 2200 to glad.
I keep running into a problem when i charge my focus and go to fear them it targets them, rends them, and hamstrings them. How can i get it to not rend the healer or break ccs? I have tried the mouse over and it doesnt seem to be working.
Not sure if you guys are running into the same problem as me but when i'm in Glad stance it keeps switching between Glad stance and defensive stance back and forth without stopping. Let me know if anyone else is having that problem.
we have the same problem dany51 we are waiting an uptdate but they are may be on holiday

They probably just have alot of work to do. Do you allready tried out to turn of the function to switch to deff stance if no opponent is in range, like someone allready mentioned before?!
wow tried the 2 day trial and it is complete garbage compared to tuanha warrior routine and that one isnt even that good for arena... so that really says something about this..

Only took 4 arena matches of him practically not using any moves at all to figure that out.
yes for hunter the profile is realy realy good but for warrior ... 20€ in the ass

You are sadly mistaken. I achieved gladiator last season thanks to this routine. 95% of the time it's user error or bad settings that causes you to feel that the it's the CR fault, I assure you it is definitely not. Gladiator Suite routines are hands down the best CR's that you can get for Honorbuddy. They're easily worth the price. The only one that I believe out does Gladiator Suite routines is Vitalic's but that is merely because he dedicates his entire work to one CR, most other CR's don't even hold a candle to Vitalic's, but for the classes GS covers they are the best bar none. Please don't bash the CR because you tried to use it for an hour or two and couldn't get it to work. CR's still require the user to have competence in Arena, proper movement, when to use CD's, how to land the kill, and most importantly positioning. Here's a helpful hint. Bind every single hotkey in the CR that it offers and take the time to learn it and the class. If you do that I promise you'll see results.

P.S. Cokx or Tolzi still looking for a response regarding GSAero. Is it no longer included in the CR? If so I'm guessing it has to do with something regarding the buddy store verification, as the feature might not be safe or something along those lines?
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Why would I learn a class and make macro keybinds if I am botting? If I wanted todo that then I would, Like I used to before I botted.. If the thing dosn't use a single move without me settings up keybinds and no instructions on how todo so then I will just keep what I have that actually works.
Why would I learn a class and make macro keybinds if I am botting? If I wanted todo that then I would, Like I used to before I botted.. If the thing dosn't use a single move without me settings up keybinds and no instructions on how todo so then I will just keep what I have that actually works.

Maybe you're just bad and shouldn't be playing in the first place? Routine works and it's wonderful, case closed.
I am bad or I wouldnt be botting. Well it wouldnt even auto attack for me and others have has the same issue. All I needed to know.
Warrior CR is really good. Not sure where anybody got the impression it wasn't. Even with the default settings, changing nothing, the routine will play better than a lot of players. But if you have no clue how to warrior, then this isn't for you. You don't have to be a pro at the class for the CR to let you succeed, you just need to know how to play it. But like what was said above, you need to know how to pvp. This CR will play your class for you, you still need to play the game itself.
guys is only for information, why you all dont post the routine setting you use?
1 for fury, 1 for arms and 1 for protection?, all player can decide if set the routine alone or try to use the settings they find here.
this is a bad idea? i know there is no good settings but depend on how to play, but i think this help a bit.
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Why would I learn a class and make macro keybinds if I am botting? If I wanted todo that then I would, Like I used to before I botted.. If the thing dosn't use a single move without me settings up keybinds and no instructions on how todo so then I will just keep what I have that actually works.

Clearly you're not technically inclined as you can't even set it up properly. Make sure your using Raid Bot botbase or similiar non afk botbases. (I use Tyrael).
can you have an option to not use thunderclap as a slow pls It breaks my partners cc alot and adds dots to people when I dont want it to ?