I play high arena rating, and my teammate (who is a DK), wants to know why I shout at the EXACT time he horns of winter. Regardless of hotkey to change which one I do, it still does it instantly or at same time as DK... which looks fishy.
Is there a way to DELAY buffs in arena until 30 seconds left, or pause buffing for random periods... between 10 Seconds and 20 seconds upon going into arena. Just looks wierd and "fishy" when its the SECOND i go in, or if an existing buff happens, it auto-changes, but its exact timing which is near impossible if done by a human.
2nd REQUEST: add a hotkey to stormbolt "Focus" target. I've had callouts from teammates to stun a certain target at a certain exact time, but my bot will sometimes think it wants to do a different target. It would be nice to make it so its focus regardless of settings or bot logic.