First, I'd like to confirm that this is really a good CC.
I am 2450 for 22 and 2200 for 33 now with this CC.
I have several suggestions on make it more powerful.
1. More logic to use teleport.
I never try the auto-teleport function for this CC. I am not sure it only based on the HP? Or whether it also considered whether the the enemy who is attaching me will LoS after the teleport? Whether I will LoS with my heal after teleport? If all these are not in the current logic, it will be great to add more logic or provide more setting for user to setup when to use the teleport.
2. against reflection from warrior. I notice my Unstable XXX or even HavXXX were been reflected back to me several times.
I don't know whether this can be totally avoid? Or it is impossible due to HB's limitation or latency?
3. I enable the fake casting for “cc” before, then I use a hotkey to fear healer. Sometime, it will try to fake cast the fear one or two time, then stop trying the fear, but start to use other spells. Then I need to press the hotkey again.
But I didn’t check whether the cc stop to try the fear due to the target is LoS or not? Or there are some other logic behind?
4. Anybody have good suggestion how to avoid been interrupt? Since I don’t know when the CC will use a spell need casting time when I stand there, I pay many focus on the casting bar. When I found the CC start to cast a spell need casting time, I will manually stop it if it is necessary special when a warrior or rogue is fighting with me. I really need some good idea how to handle this part.
5. Is it possible to add a hotkey for “interrupt next damage spell”? When I play 33 against: warrior + warlock + healer. In most of time, we don’ t need to interrupt CC or heal at the beginning. So It is very good to interrupt the warlock damage spells. Also when we against mage, if the mage want to attack the healer and cc me, then I will try to interrupt the damage spell also.