A bit late but anyway
Warlock 2.11 (from 15.03.2015)
- Fixed GUI "Fake Casting" option not being visible
- Refreshing Agony now has the highest priority so 10 stacks wont run out anymore
CAN YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Fix wasting Haunts on pets?! Like its literally wasting haunts on F*ng IMPS man, DEMO LOCK IMPS! You know how shitty that is? :/ Also can you add a setting maybe a toggle to use shadowfury etc, like in rbg when u wanna HOLD shadow fury for rogue to use stun? Pls? Like an option where i can Not use shadow fury or fear, and have it use it auto? Like a pause resume, and please fix wasting haunts and even dots on like WARLOCK IMPS. And haunting pets in general.
Hey just bought this and when I go to use the CR it just auto attacks any NPC its near? What am I doing wrong haha or am I missing something basic thanks
It shouldn't be haunting pets unless you are targeting them. And yes it is possible to use shadowfury and fear automatically, take a closer look at your settings.
Just started using this one but cant seem to find any options for :
any control over ember tap? when to use at what % etc.
also any kiljaddens cunning options? when to use or during burst etc? [sometimes im mad enough to select that talent]
can voidwalker command demon [shadow bulwark] be added to pet options?
2 peice pvp set also (in mass pvp at least) benefits from spreading immolate around a bit - any chance to add to that?
been testing the resummon demon on demonic ability CD but even if flames are up and command demon on CD it doesn't do it? [for imp]
also a few times tonight it has got stuck in Fire and Brimstone but has like 0.1 ember so cant do anything. maybe a check for fnb active but less than 1 ember just disable FNB?
how does defensive teleport work as well? doesn't seem hp based because i had one up but it never used it on low hp.
Got my first reports with this cr today xD, 2 enemys flamed me i use kick bot... i write nothing back. Is it that obv? played 5s 2,1k+ with standard settings 35-70s interrupt
If you're using the green fire, try using the regular one instead.My warlock demon did not soulfire never use . What I can do?
No. These changes only affect Enyo and not the CRCokx and Toizi,
Are the new changes to the Enyo botbase going to interfere with your CRs in any way? Here's the thread and changes for reference.
Quote Originally Posted by nomnomnom View Post
A very long awaited update on Enyo has been pushed to the HB store and is up for approval;
================================================== ==
Due to this update some functionality will be gone - Based on the recent Warden upgrades and advise from the HB staff, Enyo will refrain from using LUA now and in the future.
* Removed all LUA from Enyo.
* Removed ClickToMove functionality as it used LUA.
* Removed ChatOutputs and RaidWarnings from Enyo.
* Added Overlays as output in the WoWClient for pause functions.
* Added Enyo's own forced navigator - Prevents routines from moving even with movement enabled.
* Some code cleanup and rearrange.