Pet is always attacking. When I ctrl 3 to move pet back to me, he just instantly runs back at target to attack bc pet attack is always enabled. This is getting my pet killed and losing me games.
What can I do to fix this?
Thanks!There is a hotkey that enables/disables automatic pet control
Can you add an option to only imp dispell CC's on healer? It auto using it on DPS and Healers and makes it impossible to remove needed CC in a clutch moment.
-EDIT- I read in these forums that Grim of Supremacy is bugged and the dispel does not work. You have to run Grim of Sacrifice for dispel to work. Its a WoW bug since beta. Can anyone confirm?
Yes, imp dispel is bugged with grimoire of supremacy. You need to use grimoire of sacrifice.
I am also running into the same problem tho, where I will dispel some minor CC like binding shot and than will have the dispel on CD for the trap at an important moment. I think a custom spell id list for pet dispel might be helpful.
Whats the difference between Key Down and Toggle Hotkeys? I'm a bit confused with the burst and the interupt next heal hotkeys. Do I have to keep the hotkey pressed when i want the next heal to be interupted? Do I have to press the burst key again when i want the routine to stop bursting?
A custom spellid list will follow in one of the next updates.
We are also improving the burst target hotkey, the soul swap logic and adding a "prepare burst" hotkey
AOE is enabled on start up. The hotkey allows you to stop doing AOE damage and focus on single target if you wantCokx,
I'm doing really awesome DPS using the stock settings for RBGs (only unchecking who I do and don't want to Fear), but I see the "Toggle AOE mode" button setting and I'm wondering if that NEEDS to be set, or if the bot is automatically AOEing anyway and that's just a bonus feature. I seem to be spreading dots, but I wasn't sure if I needed to set something there for it to spread more AOE pressure than it already does.
Routine is haunting pets like water elementals etc. I was called out about this in a game lol... Can we implement logic to prevent this?
So i've noticed sometimes when im bursting the CR Will just spam UA people when it hasn't been removed which seems kinda pointless ? any way to fix this