Set it on 2 dude - 2.4 k + instant
Hey I have my setting set to default on SG 4 basic 5 if other teams CD's are popped. Seems to work well for me I've never tried to only have it set @ 2... Seems like that would be bad imo... But your saying you've reached 2.4+ with these settings? I seem to run OOM every match and have to utilize playing with Very offensive teams for early wins but I've been just under 2.4k maybe i'll try it @ 2/3 over 4/5 but with that being the case I think I'd run oom even faster... tbh. Priest are worst in pvp atm every other healer pawns but this cr is really good and fine tuned for disc. Shadow def is lacking on the whole Burst option area I can't use it for actuall arena matchs as it just uses procs and orbs Whenever and not When I need it to. wish there was a hotkey Similar to all the ones you already have set for this CR for SHadow to Hold Procs/Orbs for burst then when you keypress it it casts Horror + dumps all the saved damage. If this ever got done this would be by far 2.7 viable for god comps right now. As it does great Logic for peels / dispels and everthing else. All the shadow lacks is the double cast VT bug and being able to save burst for the Correct time with Horror on the target. Everyone would get this for Shadow if you did add something similar to that. but once again I'll leave on a request... Holy pld is one of the best healz this season and will be even more powerfull next.... If you guys get the time to make a HOly Pld CR for GS Everyone will buy it. As there are plenty of profiles for Ret but Zero dedicated to Holy. The day this comes so many will jump on it. I've seen many many ppl requesting it as well just something to think about.