what is the spell id for druid roots
the spell id is 339 and that is correct
....its just not casting dispel on it
Would be pretty awesome if this could dispell roots, and also spectral guise hunter traps.
nothing wrong with the routine 2.4k in 3s atm with it and thats not half bad to say how weak priests are atm plus i dont even play priest alt much and for those crying about it not stopping traps use a pause key when u think a trap is coming if they dont blanket it u get around 80% of traps reason it misses a few is cus of gcd seems people expect this do everything including position for them it heals fine it avoids cc fine it dispells etc at super speed what more u wanting from the routine a bacon sandwich and a can of red bull or something ??Have they forgot about this routine? In its current state it realy is nothing special. :/
I did not realize you couldn't guise traps. Figured you could do to guise being a body. As far as the inq glyph, I'll give that a go!You cant spectral guise hunter traps. But it is possible to holy fire them (with glyph), tho CR does it really rarely.
nothing wrong with the routine 2.4k in 3s atm with it and thats not half bad to say how weak priests are atm plus i dont even play priest alt much and for those crying about it not stopping traps use a pause key when u think a trap is coming if they dont blanket it u get around 80% of traps reason it misses a few is cus of gcd seems people expect this do everything including position for them it heals fine it avoids cc fine it dispells etc at super speed what more u wanting from the routine a bacon sandwich and a can of red bull or something ??
Yeah, i know you can manage around 2.4k. Im at 2.2k, but i just use it for dispells mainly so i can focus on manual healing. I feel like its prioritys are off by just abit. Minor, i know.. But i just feel that its not realy as good as the other glad suites out there.
And btw, im not saying its bad and that it should position for me. And i tried the routine to HF traps, but it didt preforme well at all, so I do that by hand aswell.
Might also be just me that fail at setting it up perfectly, but the settings guide is also not done yet..
Hey guys!
Can anyone with 2.4k+ send me an message?
Need to discuss something with you regarding settings! Paying for the help!
This CR is absolutely fine right now. If anyone's having issues, it's not with the CR its going to be your own issues or your comp you're running.
~2340 in 3's and on page 1 in RBGs.
Tweak your settings or more importantly... find new people to play with.
I cant use angelic feather manually to help my partner
is there anyway to make it work when I click it ?
We need a mousover Hotkey for Angelic Feather or Hotkey for Mates