Do any of the toggle hotkeys work? To check you can enable one of the notifiersI have a Problem with GSL. My hotkeys do not work. The routine works very well but the hotkeys do not already tried everything also clean install since the new version. What can I do? can you help me there one?
It wont use focus fire when u have prep burst activeNot sure whats happen from a few days ago to today but i cannot stop this program from using focus fire. I've tried it with prepare burst on and off (and on its is still using tranq which makes this not an option atm). I've turned burst on focus fire off, prepare burst on and off and burst under prepare burst behavior off and it still uses focus fire on 5 stack. ETA on tranq being an option to turn off?
Not correct. I have prep burst active and its using it.It wont use focus fire when u have prep burst active
not using it for me, try standard troubleshoots eg hb reinstallNot correct. I have prep burst active and its using it.
No, the toggle hotkey also do not work there is no sound output. Healer in cap or something else. Only if the routine itself is the skill of the sound then.Do any of the toggle hotkeys work? To check you can enable one of the notifiers
1. Can you please post a log where you are trying to use hotkeys to see if there are any errorsNo, the toggle hotkey also do not work there is no sound output. Healer in cap or something else. Only if the routine itself is the skill of the sound then.
We already do that but saved by the light is not in our list. Will add it for future updates thoughIs there a way to make it so Deterence is NOT used when certain buffs are active like "Saved by the Light" ?
We already do that but saved by the light is not in our list. Will add it for future updates though
I do not know what happened but suddenly has Does it work again . But I have not changed or otherwise to the settings. Another question would be does anyone have the perfect setting for The Beastmaster . my dmg output on BM is so bad. As Survival have a much greater damage output .1. Can you please post a log where you are trying to use hotkeys to see if there are any errors
2. Do you have any of the 6 other GS classes (Warrior, Warlock, DK, Druid, Mage, Priest)? If so, can you check if the hotkeys work for any other class (with the 2 day trial). In case they don't, check if they are working when enabling the hotkeys always active option from the general tab
- Toggle delay is now handled per keybind instead of global
- Added "Saved by the Light" to defensive buffs
- Added option to disable Tranq Shot usage during prepare burst
Version 2.13 is now live
hei i can send u my warior 2k4 cr settings , can u send me your lock setting please?Hello, just wondering if anyone has an updated settings list that has gotten them decent 3v3 rating, have been 2600+ with the warlock one and looking to try other classes. willing to exchange settings.