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Gladiator Suite - Hunter

Okay so some issues with the hunter profile. Warrior profile is absolutely amazing though.

1# Traps miss to much even when I am within 5 yards and the target is not moving the trap will throw to side and wiff.
2# I understand the reasoning behind explosive trapping after hitting binding shot on healer hotkey but at times It is annoying as it will knock them away from my priests fear or I am simply using the binding shot to trap off of.

Few others but I cant think at the moment will update post later.
After 6.1 BM will probably be the top spec for competitive pvp.

Toizi could you plz implement Auto Burst on Focus Fire Usage ? The routine is really smart about Focus fire usage, itr waits for 5 stacks, and if you have less it uses Focus Fire so the Procs doenst reset. Really good.

Now just adding that Auto Burst on Focus Fire usage, would be AMAZING !!!
Hunter 2.8 has been submitted and is waiting for approval


- Honorbuddy will now reload itself if you change spec
- Honorbuddy will now open the Custom Class Window when you switch your class while HB is running
- Added Toggle to switch Interrupts between Any unit or Focus+Target
- Added functionality to clear hard focus by focusing the player
- Added Ice Nova to the DRTracker
- Added Concussive Shot option to GUI
- Thrill of the Hunt will now be used immediately
- Fixed Freezing Traps on custom spell IDs
- Fixed a bug where arcane shot tried to remove msr
Hunter 2.8 has been submitted and is waiting for approval


- Honorbuddy will now reload itself if you change spec
- Honorbuddy will now open the Custom Class Window when you switch your class while HB is running
- Added Toggle to switch Interrupts between Any unit or Focus+Target
- Added functionality to clear hard focus by focusing the player
- Added Ice Nova to the DRTracker
- Added Concussive Shot option to GUI
- Thrill of the Hunt will now be used immediately
- Fixed Freezing Traps on custom spell IDs
- Fixed a bug where arcane shot tried to remove msr

Love the updates, can't wait!! :)
As mb it seems like he is ALWAYS casting cobra shot even if he has full focus. Should I set dump focus to like 30?
As bm it seems like he is ALWAYS casting cobra shot even if he has full focus. Should I set dump focus to like 30?
Is it me, or is binding shot or any mouseover macros broken.

Can any of you mouse over binding shot or explosive shot? I can do everything BUT that.
Is it me, or is binding shot or any mouseover macros broken.

Can any of you mouse over binding shot or explosive shot? I can do everything BUT that.
how broken do you mean ? for me its fine only issues is with Global CD but its not bot faild :D try to for example bind Explosive or Binding on "R" and in game put macro like :
#showtooltip Explosive Trap

on "R" too...
With the next update we will add a stopcasting to explosive trap hotkeys.
If you think hotkeys are broken, please increase the hotkey active time to 1000 (under the general tab) or just hold down the button until it executes the spell or spam it.

And if you want a stopcasting for explosive trap, do it like Trainbj said. Add a macro with stopcasting to your hotkey
i've been using this routine for less than a week but i must say, sir this is fantastic!
on first day of usage i climbed 2s from 1400ish to 1900+, with a bit of skill from me (not much honestly) and a good healer.
i'm still improving and keeping raising flawlessly, first time i have to admit that something is worth every cent i spent!

said that, there's room for improvement, in particular i'm talking about BGs, using this routine to full afk bgs i've encountered the problem of losing the pet, sometimes it gets killed or is stuck too far away and my hunter keeps fighting without calling/ressing the pet again until i come back to the keyboard to fix it. it would be awesome if there were some option other than the auto-heal, to call or ressing the missing pet.
i've tried finding some alternative solutions but failed, seems there are any plugins doing this and my skills in this are limited.

ps: botbase used for BG is: [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base - as it control my character's movements , hotkeys and MO are working for me, if this is of any help.

thanks for this amazing routine, keep up the good work!
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i've been using this routine for less than a week but i must say, sir this is fantastic!
on first day of usage i climbed 2s from 1400ish to 1900+, with a bit of skill from me (not much honestly) and a good healer.
i'm still improving and keeping raising flawlessly, first time i have to admit that something is worth every cent i spent!

said that, there's room for improvement, in particular i'm talking about BGs, using this routine to full afk bgs i've encountered the problem of losing the pet, sometimes it gets killed or is stuck too far away and my hunter keeps fighting without calling/ressing the pet again until i come back to the keyboard to fix it. it would be awesome if there were some option other than the auto-heal, to call or ressing the missing pet.
i've tried finding some alternative solutions but failed, seems there are any plugins doing this and my skills in this are limited.

ps: hotkeys and MO are working for me, if this is of any help.

thanks for this amazing routine, keep up the good work!

If you select which pet you want to use with the hotkey "Toggle Pet" it will also call/resurrect it when it dies
If you select which pet you want to use with the hotkey "Toggle Pet" it will also call/resurrect it when it dies
Toizi Any advice on what we can do to allow traps to be more accurate? I feel like its pretty hit or miss, and I am using a hotkey for it.
Toizi Any advice on what we can do to allow traps to be more accurate? I feel like its pretty hit or miss, and I am using a hotkey for it.
Use the mouse over location hotkey and aim yourself if you don't like the prediction.
You can also use the trap on debuffs only option to make sure the traps are only used if the target is CCed