Traps are not working.... I have to SPAM casting trap b/c it disapears so damn fast to cast other abilities. Also, don't think that the purge is working properly and I have it set to 20/0
Please help with the traps.... its killing me lol
The purge is working properly. Maybe you're expecting something else but the high priority tranq will only remove high priority spells i.e. blessing of protection, sacrifice, etc
It's not a long list and if you want to modify it you can by editing the custom spell ID list.
And traps are working. If you don't like the path prediction use the one that casts on your mouse cursor and not on mouseover units.
If you're having trouble with the CR sometimes ignoring your key presses, either press it more than once, keep it pressed or increase the hotkey active time in the settings
It's the auto burst settingI think I am blind, where is bestial wrath in the settings? My routine is not using it currently with crows
### Things I wish it would be there / work ###
1. Damage for Survival being optimized.
2. ToTH being optimized.
3. Explosive Knockback fix so it stops throw it so far beyond the mouseover unit that it won't trigger.
4. Tranq feedback seriously there is literally no feedback if he's using it right now. (Hotkey and Automatic)
5. Automatic Explosive Binding Shot Option (Yes No Melee)
6. Fix Auto Deterrence it yet never used it on Events tho' he was calling it (Notifier)
7. Improve Flare Prediction and make more often use of it.
8. Add a Hotkey option for Explosive + Binding Shot
9. Retargeting a Hunter as enemy on Feign Death
10. Masters Call for Ally Hotkey
11. What is up with the prediction? It seems that the code behind FT Healer/DPS and so on also Binding Shot /FOCUS is not the same
as the prediction of Mouseover Unit? It sometimes shoot the trap to places where the enemy stood like 3 seconds ago.
It's really missing it by far and the enemy is not even heavly moving.
Yes 15@Enyo Hardlocked, Yes Normal Latency of 49 and Yes No Lag everything is working fine.
Here is some @Focus Trapping Gyazo - beb12c1ad6cc5973c62375bdc38b3ee4.gif
12. Why Binding Shot Hotkey if we already have T2 Hotkey?
13. Stop attacking CC Option? Best example is my own trap if I got my trapped enemy as target I'll throw him right out of it wtf.
14. Focus again on lose (for example Restealth)
Running the rotation with Enyo but Auto Roar of Sac doesnt seems to work (survival spec, didnt try other specs though). Maybe because of the trial version?
The routine is fine, maybe you have to make a guide.
Play on 2,4k+ cr and can go higher
It depends on the players
What is missing is a toggle hotkey for black arrow .
I do not always want to kill my target . rmp etc in the opener my first target i get.
If I´m bürsting its fine and else a toggle hotkey.
Roar of Sac should be working. Do you have it set to manual so your pet doesn't use it automatically?
It works.did you try out the auto sac function?
PHP, with RDruids or Rschamie it will be better.@Caen
What comp are you playing?