Dude are you living in a cave since like 4 years back? Natures cure is dispelling magic aswellIn this case you're shit out of luck. Druids can only dispel curse or poison. Sheep is magic, so is root.
Dude are you living in a cave since like 4 years back? Natures cure is dispelling magic aswellIn this case you're shit out of luck. Druids can only dispel curse or poison. Sheep is magic, so is root.
Neither Mighty bash target or cyclone dps/healer hotkeys are working for me; the only time cyclone works is when I target someone.
Also, a displacer beast + wildcharge hotkey would be nice.
few problems ive run into so far
1) no keybinds for nature's cure (party 1/2/3)
2) no keybinds for clones (arena 1/2/3) - theres only a keybind for 1 dps 1 healer
3) no keybind for displacer beast or stampeding roar
4) doesn't shift incoming polymorphs or try to shadowmeld incoming CC
5) doesnt keep up faerie swarm up on rogues
Couple questions:
Is there nothing for Soothe? I have went over the configuration multiple times and didn't see anything. I'm guessing I have to make a hotkey macro?
Second question: I have it set to cast Nature's Vigil on burst, but it casts it as soon as it's off cd still (or however it's doing it, but definitely not when I burst).
yes its possible and will be added in the futureIs it possible to add a auto focus like Vitalics and also a toggle for Faerie fire (looks very suspect in BGs hitting rogues that are not even near you with a FF the second they jump out on someone while on another target but its great for Arena)
you can use the Short Pause Hotkey for your macros
it does shift poly but it wont meld
I will look at fs on rogues, maybe it is refreshing it too late
No there is currently not soothe logic, I can implement sooth against (M)SR
I dont know if its worth it against rage effects since fury warriors arent that popular at the moment.
#2 which spec?
yes its possible and will be added in the future
I'm currently writing an option for all classes which limits the visible units for the combat routine to units you can actually see on your screen.