It was just updated. So yes, it is still supported.
Its working for you?
Great. Is anyone able to provide me any info on how it performs as feral/heals within arena? Have Tuanha etc, but am willing to take the plunge if this CR is substantially better in a PVP setting.
Without providing any info whatsoever I'm not sure what kind of answer you are expecting.I can't even get this to work as a resto using enyo, whats the problem?
So i noticed today when i pop my burst as feral the CR spams rake. Spamming rake DR's stuns very fast and shred is way higher of a dps output if rake is already on the target... i also notice it will spam rake at 5 CP with rip and rake both up and SR was good these all seem to be dps losses if im not mistaken. It should of been using FB. Another thing i noticed is if you pop your burst cds it will just spam rake. It will not put rip up and rarely uses FB.
I notice we have a force kite bear and travel. I think a force cat form would be nice for when we are getting kited with a bunch of roots, something that functions the same, uses FS if spec and just powershifts while held.
Another issue im finding is even with natures vigil uncheck the CR still uses it. Not sure why..
There is an option for nature's vigil on burst so by disabling auto burst you are obviously also disabling nature's vigil. It's on the first page "HotW/Nature's Vigil"Attaching log vs mobs that had enough health to survive the full burst. The rake issue during burst is in there and hopefully the reason why the CR insist on using NV when its unchecked in every location i can find. Almost seems like it uses it on cd in combat.
Also like to point out again the option to kite in cat form (like bear and cheetah) would be a nice addition for feral due to the exessive amount of roots in game right now.
Edit add- Found a work around for NV if you click target hp and set that value to zero it will only use NV if you target a dead ally. Temp fix until we get better word.
There is no SVNHi all, can anybody give a link to the svn? thx
Can you please post a log? It should be using rake until full stun DR but that's hardly spammingcan you pls fix the rake spamming while burst?