Please check your healing settingsthis overheals to hell
Please check your healing settings
You can either heal percentage based
hot up the primary target first (primary target = most attacked friendly unit)
the prehot primary target is enabled by default to react on fast swaps from the enemies team
+1 im having FPS lag with the routine todaywhy i am having FPS lag with the routine today
This seems to be really under performing atm for me
+1 im having FPS lag with the routine today
Sorry but the only way to purchase the products is through the buddy storeHI I am a big fun of your work , I tried to buy all of em ,would you mind help me or give me another link to buy!! My master card blocked by BuddyStore. WHat I did is I bought your Gladiator Suite mage warlock hunter priest dk , THen I tried to buy Druid, But it said my card blocked by this HB store, I send my post in Buddy Support thread, THey give me a Email , Then I sent EMail , THe reply is below
Joro (Bossland GmbH)
March 24 09:45
we'll need a screenshot of your id card or passport, once we approve your identity we'll be able to Whitelist your purchase.
Best Regards
THey have my EMail which is blizzard account , right now they want my Passport because I bought 5 Gladiator Suite xxxx. I wont give em my passport which is dangeous. plz give me another link to buy your works, TYVM.
Glad to hear you're enjoying our products and thank you for your support.Toizi Hi there didnt notice. I love your guys' works, you know you with cokx , right now I am a Big fun of your works , would you mind tell me when you guys gonna program monk paladin and rogue ?? BTW if nothing helps I will use my gf credit card to buy to support you guys. But I will only buy stuffs done by you and cokx.