Healing 2.2k cr 646 itemlvl now can not wait to heal with 660itemlvl. anyone wanting to use this cr to play at a high mmr would probably need a fair detailed guide depending on there game knowledge to begin with, I can offer a short Dot point guide.
1, make use of the short pause hot key for the following: Bash/incap, Cyclone Arena123, Displacer best, Tranquility, Nature swiftness(optional but very recommended), Regrowth, stampeding roar, Dash, Nature's Cure.
2, The default settings a very good your positioning during arena very important I very often Swift mend NS Regrowth manually during points of peak burst but CR will do this anyway but sometimes if don't do it 3 seconds b4 the right percentage your team mate could die.
3, You should be pressing arena 1 2 3 Cyclone short pauses hot keys manually when required and position your self away from potential crowd control. Same goes with your might bash its very useful but its most effective manually used.
Thats all for now I hope can maybe help someone. If you are reading because you are thinking about buying it Stop wasting time and purchase because its an Excellent CR