I will be purchasing this tonight to check out. I know it was said somewhere in the 18 pages here, but what was the ETA on the dispel logic patch/update again?
Will most likely submit it tomorrow
I will be purchasing this tonight to check out. I know it was said somewhere in the 18 pages here, but what was the ETA on the dispel logic patch/update again?
bought this routine today without any trail,
this is good for gladiator!
i don't know which talent is good for 2v2 at gladiator?
Frost or blood?
which one is more easy to kill others at 2v2?
Please give me a advise,thank you
Ive been playing frost spec, and think a couple of things need some work like dark simulacron, i think the bot doesnt used it, you could add a option to get a cc or other spells, and better chains of ice logic, my target spends way too many time free without roots
Where i can config this? my toon never use dark simBot uses dark sim all the time, I don't know how many times I have got polymorph or cyclone and used it on the other team.
Use enyo from the buddystore.Hello! I'm new to this business. People and which mode to choose a bot to arenas?
No update still.. Could you give us an update on the status please toizi? not tryin to rush id rather it take another week if thats what it takes to get it right im just curious.
- Added Dark Simulacrum customization
- Added Chains of Ice on target customization
- Added Clarity of Will, Word of Glory and Saving Grace to default interrupt heals
- Fixed pet interrupt config not being set
- Added Outbreak Glyph for blood
- Added prepare burst hotkey that pools runic power and runes and activates burst once it has enough
- Updated default settings
- Added plague leech on target + config via GUI
- Added Breath of Sindragosa to burst
- Spam selfheal hotkey is now a toggle key. While active it won't spend any frost/unholy/death runes on anything but healing
- Added custom spell ID list for Icy Touch Dispel
- Adjusted some tool tips
- Fixed some smaller bugs
Use enyo from the buddystore.
And what is enyo? please give a link?Use enyo from the buddystore.