Leveling does me more benefit as it will see more area's and mobs. But every bit helps!
Consider it done! I'll be buying a 3rd account, once battle.net offers my trial another 50% off purchase, and then ill use kicks 1-100 to level it for you.
Leveling does me more benefit as it will see more area's and mobs. But every bit helps!
Unfortunately we have to use the store so there is no direct download link. As for top 10, I am hesitant to do that as I do not want people to get discouraged if they are not on it. I want people to keep trying even if they are number 11.I'm contributing!
Any chance you can add like a top 10 contributors table on the plugin config menu? that'd be cool(Or show us our rank)\
Also the capability to straight download the plugin would be nice, one of my very old HB keys I don't remember the account information its associated with, so I can't use it on that one![]()
You = Amazing. I appreciate that, thank you!downloaded the plugin , will activate it next time i start my bots![]()
Data is beautiful! Keep it coming my good sir.Here have some free data.![]()
I know, right?!?! Free stuff makes the merry go round.Free shit. Who doesnt like free shit lol.
Appreciated!i'm in![]()
You guys... ARE AMAZING! No joke. Tons of people participating so for, over 500,000 submissions. Botters, man. You are some dedicated folk. My tables are filling with glorious data!
Just a Frame of Reference:
My pc crashed and i had to reinstall HB because the plugin did not work after the crash, and i had 11000 points ,are they lost ??
57k contributions and counting![]()
They are not lost! Your counter will be messed up though. I still have your contributions saved to my server. So even if you reinstall or .what ever, they are safe with me! You also have 15,987 not 11,000 =) You can adjust your settings file Settings->Brain->DataMiner to put it back to what your number was if you want an accurate count.