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Getting your account unbanned

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I used his service, It got my baby hunter (the one who is my profile pic) unbanned who was botting. He had a spec tiger, magic rooster, and nether rocket unbanned. He gives you an appeal that makes it very difficult for blizzard to fight. I can vouch, which is why I'm even bothering recommending people to him. Gotta help out my "buddies" :D
I've used this guy twice. First time, I had already appealed so chances were lower it would work. It did not. Second time, for "cheating/hacks", no previous appeal, and it worked. My own appeals on two other accounts for cheating/hacks also worked.

My only caution with this person is that he sent me the same unban letter both times, with a few words changed. I can only assume he is a one trick pony; I asked him to do another one, except using a vastly different letter, and he declined. I'm left to assume everyone who uses him is getting pretty much the same letter.

So if you use him, just buy it once and change the couple words yourself and save some money in the future. Maybe I'm assuming too much, but I don't think so, and won't be paying him again, lol.
I need to pay someone else to lie for me? Well I know how to lie. I can work all week and I need to farm because I need a lot of gold coz I wanna buy mount, enchants, coz I need flasks/pots, coz I need preparations for raiding. I can allways explain why I am farming in email to Blizzard if I need.
To pay this guy? NO WAY!
Look at this forum! What is worth more, those sections whit profiles for farming, combat routines, plugins or couple of mails well-worded lies?
Gunna try this on an account that was banned for,

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs ("Hacks")

Will get back to ya's. If it works then others will know its legit, otherwise.. we shall see.
I think I got everybody who posted here a link, but if you didn't, please just PM me.
Lots of satisfied people, 6 people already used his service from thebuddyforum!
Not yet satisfied here (yet), so far I have received no appeal letter and he said it would only be 24 hours.

Update: So far it is nearly 30 hours and no response.
I used to game with a guy who did this as a service too, but then he quit gaming suddenly one day. He wouldn't tell me why he quit, just that he was an ex-gamer now, whatever that means? Good luck to all, and I hope you all get unbanned.
Now I know why you're banned....
When I get drunk I gona writte apel letters for you for free. With the percentage of success like this. You just need strong story. Well, like I sayed, Now I know why you're banned....
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That made no sense, go away.
I think you should go away instead of you advertising some magick dude who know how to unban wow accounts.

Why you dont say : " He have good storyes to writte to blizzard and blizz gona swallow that story maybe"?
If you are drunk...log off the internet. If not, learn to use verbs and don't insult something you've never used.
I dont need to use something what I can do myself. He is not a wizzard and he dont know anything new. There a lot of tuts over internet how to writte ticket for banned wow acc. I am sick of people who wanna made few $ on shits.
I'd like to see one of those mails here, and after that coments from others how they get exsactly same mail.
P.S. Thank You for negative rep
Ok, so I purchased this service, it's been almost 72 hrs and I have yet to receive any kind of response from him. What's up with that?
If we all paypal dispute he will lose, since they will see that he stooged us all. So nothing to fret Im sure he just busy

edit: got my appeal off him and sent it in. wish me luck
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