Hey guys I was wondering if anyone was having the same problem I was.
[5:20:04 AM:308] Could not generate path from {-4419.882, 4062.938, -40.65703} to {-4418.452, 4062.489, -46.29416} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[5:20:49 AM:364] Could not generate path from {-4487.618, 3800.81, -92.98644} to {-4490.662, 3803.157, -92.53556} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[5:20:49 AM:564] Could not generate path from {-4487.618, 3800.81, -92.98644} to {-4490.639, 3803.206, -92.67052} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[5:21:30 AM:148] Unloading tiles!
[5:21:30 AM:149] Loading Azeroth_24_40
[5:21:30 AM:179] Could not generate path from {-4487.618, 3800.81, -92.98644} to {-4490.639, 3803.206, -92.67052} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[11:23:35 AM:979] Could not generate path from {-4489.923, 3800.741, -93.25597} to {-4487.618, 3800.81, -92.98644} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[11:25:16 AM:099] Downloaded Azeroth_23_43
[11:25:16 AM:182] Loading Azeroth_23_43
[11:27:58 AM:827] Unloading tiles!
[11:27:58 AM:828] Loading Azeroth_24_40
[11:27:58 AM:873] Could not generate path from {-4507.698, 3768.898, -89.91725} to {-4465.722, 3762.851, -115.1708} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
As you can see the bot was inactive for some time, and I also noticed that my character would just stand there and do nothing sometimes while it's being attacked. I'm new to HB and any help would be appreciated. Thank you