I had to edit it slightly because it was stuck in a repair loop. I also had to edit the balance druid CC I'm using so I wouldn't keep going into travel form. So far though, it's working great. I'll post a log after I let it run for an hour or two.
Edit: It keeps running into Tentacle Horror saying "Moving to node". It doesn't blacklist it because there isn't actually a node there. You'd think "Ignore nodes with elites around" would stop that from happening, but for whatever reason my character keeps face-slamming into the elite.
Edit: It keeps running into Tentacle Horror saying "Moving to node". It doesn't blacklist it because there isn't actually a node there. You'd think "Ignore nodes with elites around" would stop that from happening, but for whatever reason my character keeps face-slamming into the elite.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.617]:Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 84 nodes in 0h 48m 52s.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.617]:Stormvine: 45
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.617]:Azshara's Veil: 39
<Hotspot X="-5837.441" Y="6461.353" Z="-1070.619" />
Give my plugin a go and see if that fixes some of the stuck-related issues, worked for me and few other people.