[2:16:52 AM:146] Activity: Moving to node
[2:16:56 AM:991] Activity: Interacting with node
[2:16:57 AM:008] InteractDebug:931463256
[2:16:57 AM:009] Interact Done:931463256
[2:16:59 AM:602] [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Azshara's Veil.
[2:16:59 AM:805] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[2:16:59 AM:990] Spell_C::CastSpell(75207, 0, 0x0, 0) [200]
[2:17:02 AM:322] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around
[2:17:23 AM:868] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Azshara's Veil" at X="-6272.953" Y="6297.711" Z="-951.5048"
[2:17:23 AM:868] Activity: Moving to node
[2:17:28 AM:826] Activity: Interacting with node
[2:17:28 AM:859] InteractDebug:931493464
[2:17:28 AM:874] Interact Done:931493464
[2:17:31 AM:338] [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Azshara's Veil.
[2:17:31 AM:522] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[2:17:31 AM:704] Spell_C::CastSpell(75207, 0, 0x0, 0) [201]
[2:17:38 AM:519] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 40
[2:17:45 AM:506] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
[2:17:45 AM:506] Stop called!
[2:17:48 AM:731] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired.
at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.#eJc(MovementDirection dir, Boolean stop)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.MoveStop(MovementDirection direction)
at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Flightor.DoAntiStuck()
at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Flightor.#Pe()
at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Flightor.MoveTo(WoWPoint destination, Single minHeight)
at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Flightor.MoveTo(WoWPoint destination)
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.#yCf(Object ret)
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Sequence.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
[2:17:48 AM:731] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[2:17:48 AM:731] Cleared POI
[2:17:48 AM:809] Not in game
[2:17:55 AM:541] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired.
at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.GrabFrame()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Stop()