mybe unclick random mount sense your a druid i think thats what i did for a friends druid
not sure if im supposed to do this but fixed with blackspots
I've been making more than 1million gold on this profile, thanks a lot
So secure so awesome, so nice to wake up looking at full bags.
I am using this with 2 mining bags, and 2 herbalism bags, and my ordinary 16 slotter backpack.
My 16 slotter gets full quite fast, and then it just gets stuck looting a mob (inventory full) and wont move on....
Ive tried toggling loot mobs off, but it doesnt seem to work.. How come?
To zuabros... When using profession bags, it doesnt properly send to an alt when one specific bag is full.. Is there a way to fix that?
When one type of bag is full, it just "bugs" and keeps trying to loot the herb/mine, instead of blacklisting it after x-amount of tries, and going for mailbox...