Tried out the mining only tonight while i was sleeping.
EDIT: Total profit made out of this night was around 5500G*
*Including not yet sold items.
280% Mount[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 213 nodes in 2h 35m 36s.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Gertenrohr: 58
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Elementiumader: 75
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]yritvorkommen: 11
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Aschenbl?te: 58
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Reiche Elementiumader: 11
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 1574 nodes in 14h 12m 17s.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Whiptail: 454
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Cinderbloom: 478
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Rich Elementium Vein: 72
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Elementium Vein: 512
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Pyrite Deposit: 55
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Firebloom: 2
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Sungrass: 1
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Gatherbuddy has been running for 7h 9m 33s. Collected a total of 775 nodes.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Firebloom: 2
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Mithril Deposit: 1
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Elementium Vein: 259
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Whiptail: 202
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Cinderbloom: 253
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Rich Elementium Vein: 29
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Pyrite Deposit: 29
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 1861 nodes in 20h 32m 27s.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Cinderbloom: 466
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Elementium Vein: 632
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Whiptail: 596
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Pyrite Deposit: 95
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Rich Elementium Vein: 72
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 944 nodes in 10h 1m 14s.
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Whiptail: 471
[Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.660]:Cinderbloom: 473