- Joined
- Jul 5, 2011
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- 103
After he died (which i dont get, my guy is epic geared and dont die), he ressed and stood still. Had to manually mount in order to continue
[21:44:09:848] [Singular] Target is invalid. Switching to Highland Worg!
[21:44:10:332] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
[21:44:10:332] Cleared POI
[21:44:10:333] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[21:44:10:333] Activity: Releasing corpse
[21:44:10:333] I died!
[21:44:10:351] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[21:44:12:251] Activity: Moving to corpse
[21:44:28:430] There are 0 hostile mobs.
[21:44:28:430] Changed POI to:Type: Corpse, Loc: <-4497.052, -5274.892, 88.48566>
[21:44:28:430] Activity: Safespot is invalid! Grabbing corpse!!
[21:44:28:436] Waiting for corpse recovery delay to expire!
[21:44:39:143] Activity: Grabbing corpse
[21:44:39:143] Clicking corpse popup...
[21:44:39:150] Activity: Safespot is invalid! Grabbing corpse!!
[21:44:39:150] Cleared POI - Reason Grabbed our corpse.
[21:44:39:150] Cleared POI
[21:44:39:150] Activity: Moving to instance portal, since we died inside!
[21:44:39:277] There are 15 hostile mobs.
[21:44:39:333] Changed POI to:Type: Corpse, Loc: <-4472.304, -5250.144, 90.61766>
[21:44:39:344] Moving to Type: Corpse, Loc: <-4472.304, -5250.144, 90.61766>
[21:44:41:953] Activity: Grabbing corpse
[21:44:41:963] Clicking corpse popup...
[21:44:43:073] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around
[21:44:43:199] Cleared POI - Reason Grabbed corpse at safe spot
[21:44:43:199] Cleared POI
[21:44:43:214] [Singular] Casting Horn of Winter on Myself
[21:44:43:215] Spell_C::CastSpell(57330, 0, 0x20000000228A7C0, 0) [62]
[21:44:43:378] [Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.675]:Approaching "Twilight Jasmine" at X="-4478.99" Y="-5273.34" Z="86.4141"
[21:44:43:378] Activity: Moving to node
[21:44:46:268] Activity: Interacting with node
[21:44:46:268] InteractDebug:1203168696
[21:44:46:275] Interact Done:1203168696
[21:44:49:661] [Gatherbuddy v2.0.0.675]:Harvested Twilight Jasmine.
[21:44:49:797] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[21:44:49:805] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-4477.918, -5270.114, 89.61011> on map 0
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[21:44:49:813] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[21:44:53:370] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[21:44:53:454] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[21:45:46:691] Unloading tiles!
[21:45:46:697] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[21:45:46:697] Loading Azeroth_41_40
[21:45:47:086] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
I mounted here 21:48, and it continued