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Is there any specific reason why the bot don't return to Pandaria when it HS to Stormwind (dwaren place) and put items into guild bank? When it has put items to guild bank it mounts up and fly away, out out stormwind all the way up, past Tirisfal Glades?
Isn't it possible to etc use the mobile guild vault?
Hey. This is a profile for horde players. I don't know why but the name chance of the thread was not successfully.
Mobile banking is always buggy. I can't use it too.
Ich wollte deinen Bot auch mal testen^^
Jedoch hab ich da problem dass sich mein char net vom Fleck bewegt. -.-
Muss ich beim start des bots auf i-was speziell achten oder einstellen?
Thank you very much for this amazing script! HERE ARE MY RESULTS!
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 1570 nodes in 15h 51m 18s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Ghost Iron Deposit: 1398
[Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Ghost Iron Deposit: 158
[Gatherbuddy2]: Trillium Vein: 14
I had a problem with. I said had because I kinda fixed it, though it might not be a good fix.
The problem I had was that it was flying around without gathering anything. Tried letting it run for 10 minutes, covering quite a big area, so it shouldn't all the blacklisted.
I fixed it by removing all the blackspot "markers", so everything in the profile between <Blackspots> and <\Blackspots>.
I have no idea why it thought everything was blacklisted.
After this "fix" it works perfectly, but I guess it will run into some problems at some point. I'm thinking the blackspots were there for a reason.