I've been running the reverse profile for the past week and it's been awesome! great nph, no deaths on my warlock. Now after today's HB update, the profile seems to be having issues... It still runs the route fine but it's dying a lot suddenly and I have yet to pin down the reason. Within 30 minutes, it dies twice and takes res sickness, then goes to vendor at ~50% durability to repair. But once entering the vendor's building, the bot just afk's next to the vendor without interacting, eventually disconnecting the account from afk. One time I caught it at this stage and did the vendor repair interaction manually and it immediately resumed the profile. I think the corpse-running and repair routines got thrown off or something.
Edit: "Falling damage You 41846. You died." Last attack was from Kunzen Ritualist. I'm using a demonology warlock and I notice it likes to metamorph and bounce around often. Maybe it's the combat routine causing the issues, jumping it off cliffs. But the repairing is still broken. Will get close enough, but not actually open the vendor window and repair. (alliance)