Note: I can also confirm that it is not repairing at Gina. I guess it's because you have to actually tell her you want to browse goods and not directly opens the vendor.
Anyway, I looked up a list of NPCs that can repair:
Humanoids - NPCs - World of Warcraft
I think this is the most adequate if you could add it:
Spademender Yumba - NPC - World of Warcraft
Thank you! Or i'll do it myself.
Note: If you are unable to work with the other NPC (I think she patrols a little) use this instead, It's a little bit far, but still better than not working at all.
<Vendor Name="Vendor Jambeezi" Entry="59583" Type="Repair" X="-150.9885" Y="509.9315" Z="207.1227" />
Edit #2: Very fast farming route indeed, bags filled in less than 3 hours in a high populated server. Also, mailing to alt doesn't seem to work.
Ok, figured out what was wrong with the mail. The MailWhite and MailGreen were disabled so they didn't mail any of the ore.