I'm finding it's flying over nodes and not doing anything at all, anyone else getting this?
I'm new to GB2, so it might be something in the settings/configurations, but, every now and then my toon will mine a node but not pick up the loot. He'll do it about 3 or 4 times before picking it up, sometimes he won't pick up the loot at all and just switch to another node. Now this isn't profile specific, it happens with a different profile as well, anyone know of a solution to this problem?
Enable auto-loot in interface>controls
can u tell me plz how i use this cuz when i download this it opens up in another window on my internet and i dont know how to load it sry im a newbie
can u tell me plz how i use this cuz when i download this it opens up in another window on my internet and i dont know how to load it sry im a newbie