First off let me just say thanks a lot for the work you are doing on this awesome Bot. It is a real timer saver to say the least.
I’ve only been using it a few days now on 7 toons and I run it completely autonomous per character - I’m working on setting it up on HBrelog and hopefully get those 7 toons running autonomous together - I’ll provide some feedback as and when. I have noticed one or two small bugs but nothing major but this morning I experienced a notable bug associated with issuing work orders for the Barn. It is a Level 2 Barn and the toon was having trouble interacting with the Homer Stonefield. I had no Cage Beasts for leather/fur in either my Backpack or Reagent Bank but I had Meaty Caged Beasts in my Reagent Bank. The toon was not able to interact with the Order Frame, i.e.
“[GarrisonBuddy] 0.7.0: [ShipmentStart] Failed to open Work order frame. Maybe Blizzard bug, trying to move away.”
This loop kept on repeating and the toon could not get out of it. Attached are the log files. I restarted the process again so there are two log file depicting this bug.
View attachment 159975View attachment 159976
Thanks once again for all your effort and time. Kind regards.