There is clearly something that can be done, because all other bot bases I've got is doing it. This vendoring problem is unique to Butler, which means that even if HB is broken using "lazy" vendoring calls, everyone else must have considered it serious matter and took the time to write workarounds. If you think that a bunch of users not being able to run the bot because of this issue isn't worthwhile a temporary fix, then that's on you. I can guarantee that for everyone complaining about it here, it's probably 10-100 fold users that just moves on without saying anything. Similarly for the looting of mobs in the mine/garden. Works with all other bot bases. Did Bosslands break something? Maybe. Did other fix it already? Within 2-3 days, yes.
So you complain that you will have to override HB to make a better/working vendoring routine in your previous post, and now you say it's already overridden? Maybe your override is broken then. And comparing bot bases is relevant for the fact that it's possible to make it work, even for bot bases that is not made by Bossland. Also, I did look at the original GarrisonBuddy code a whole lot and did a bunch of mods to it to make it work for me, the first time ICE broke. 15 years of software development and QA work does give me an idea about stuff.
It's very unfortunate when something in the API changes, but I'm sure you got some notice upfront. I have a hard time believing Bosslands just wants to screw over that many of their customers by silently breaking products they are selling in their store and which they make money from. If I'm wrong on this, that's clearly horrid of Bosslands.
But meanwhile, a lot of users like myself have moved on to other bases, like GBoss and even the bundled one because they can't really be bothered with blame games and unresponsiveness when something clearly is fixable. It's part of being a developer. Sometimes things break because of others and you need to work around it to fulfill your own commitment to your own customers. As of right now, even if Butler would work, I realized that GBoss no longer lack a single feature of Butler, which made me stay with Butler before. And it runs flawlessly without any of the current issues of Butler. Last time I looked at it it was quite a bit behind Butler, but with Butler more or less appearing to be abandonware, I am done with it.
Then you have a lot of work to do. Better get your ass moving instead of blowing hot air.