10:29:11.076 N] (Singular) info: 3297 seconds since Mixed:AutoAngler BotBase last called Singular
[10:29:27.918 N] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Refreshing Buildings and shipments databases.
[10:29:27.919 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 26, PlotId: 23, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Barracks, Rank: 1, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417028285, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: nil, ShipmentCapacity: 0, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 0, CreationTime: nil, Duration: nil, ItemName: nil, ItemQuality: nil, ItemId: nil
[10:29:27.921 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 62, PlotId: 59, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Frostwall Mines, Rank: 2, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417459324, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: true, NameShipment: Frostwall Mines, ShipmentCapacity: 14, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 8, CreationTime: 1418025979, Duration: 14400, ItemName: Mine, ItemQuality: 1, ItemId: 116055
[10:29:27.922 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 41, PlotId: 22, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Lumber Mill, Rank: 2, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417625966, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: Lumber Mill, ShipmentCapacity: 14, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 1, CreationTime: 1418025084, Duration: 14400, ItemName: Garrison Resources, ItemQuality: 1, ItemId: 114677
[10:29:27.923 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 131, PlotId: 19, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Gem Boutique, Rank: 2, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417865128, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: Gem Boutique, ShipmentCapacity: 14, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 14, CreationTime: 1418022756, Duration: 14400, ItemName: Taladite Crystal, ItemQuality: 2, ItemId: 115524
[10:29:27.925 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 117, PlotId: 18, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: The Forge, Rank: 2, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417864460, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: The Forge, ShipmentCapacity: 14, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 14, CreationTime: 1418022745, Duration: 14400, ItemName: Truesteel Ingot, ItemQuality: 2, ItemId: 108257
[10:29:27.926 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 64, PlotId: 67, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Fishing Shack, Rank: 1, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417109939, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: true, NameShipment: nil, ShipmentCapacity: 0, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 0, CreationTime: nil, Duration: nil, ItemName: nil, ItemQuality: nil, ItemId: nil
[10:29:27.927 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 136, PlotId: 63, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Herb Garden, Rank: 2, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417459364, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: true, NameShipment: Herb Garden, ShipmentCapacity: 14, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 4, CreationTime: 1418026062, Duration: 14400, ItemName: Garden, ItemQuality: 1, ItemId: 116054
[10:29:27.928 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 34, PlotId: 25, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Frostwall Tavern, Rank: 1, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417464546, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: nil, ShipmentCapacity: 0, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 0, CreationTime: nil, Duration: nil, ItemName: nil, ItemQuality: nil, ItemId: nil
[10:29:27.929 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 8, PlotId: 24, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: War Mill, Rank: 1, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417540999, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: War Mill, ShipmentCapacity: 0, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 0, CreationTime: nil, Duration: nil, ItemName: nil, ItemQuality: nil, ItemId: nil
[10:29:27.931 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Id: 52, PlotId: 20, BuildingLevel: nil, Name: Salvage Yard, Rank: 1, IsBuilding: false, TimeStart: 1417868173, BuildTime: 3600, CanActivate: false, CanUpgrade: false, IsPrebuilt: false, NameShipment: nil, ShipmentCapacity: 0, ShipmentsReady: 0, ShipmentsTotal: 0, CreationTime: nil, Duration: nil, ItemName: nil, ItemQuality: nil, ItemId: nil
[10:29:27.934 N] Switching bot to GarrisonBuddy
[10:29:27.934 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Equipping weapons
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: In 0 days, 0 hours and 56 minutes we have caught
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Crescent Saberfish x198
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Sea Scorpion Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Fat Sleeper x8
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Sea Scorpion x12
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Fat Sleeper Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Blind Lake Sturgeon x12
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Jawless Skulker x6
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Abyssal Gulper Eel x10
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Blackwater Whiptail x10
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Jawless Skulker Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Fire Ammonite Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Blackwater Whiptail Bait x1
[10:29:27.935 N] AutoAngler 2.135: Small Fire Ammonite x5
[10:29:27.936 N] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Refreshing Missions database.
[10:29:27.939 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 87
Name: The Night Watch
Cost: 5
Xp: 100
XpBonus: 0
Level: 90
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Patrol
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :1800
Location: Garrison Border
NumFollowers: 1
NumRewards: 1
Description: A regular patrol around the garrison seems like a good idea...
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.940 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 108
Name: Industrial Espionage
Cost: 15
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :28800
Location: Gorgrond
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 1
Description: If there are design flaws in the Blackrock clan's war machines, we can disable them. Break in and inspect the war machines for weaknesses.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.941 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 116
Name: Iron Horde Allies
Cost: 20
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :28800
Location: Frostfire Ridge
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 1
Description: Numerous and powerful, ogre warlords are formidable allies of the Iron Horde. Try to induce them to leave - forcefully, if necessary.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.942 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 125
Name: The Feathers Must Fly
Cost: 20
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :14400
Location: Spires of Arak
NumFollowers: 2
NumRewards: 1
Description: Arakkoa talonpriests have begun sacrificing draenei to their god, Terokk. Interrupt their ritual and free the prisoners.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.943 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 168
Name: Ogre-Kill
Cost: 10
Xp: 1000
XpBonus: 0
Level: 99
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :7200
Location: Nagrand
NumFollowers: 1
NumRewards: 1
Description: High ogre warriors are in battle array, screaming that they're going to "destroy the interlopers." Do you think they're talking about us?
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.943 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 212
Name: Cat Scratch Fever
Cost: 15
Xp: 1200
XpBonus: 0
Level: 97
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: True
DurationSeconds :6750
Location: Spires of Arak
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 2
Description: Some sadistic saberon think the chaos on Draenor means they can butcher innocents without fear of punishment. Disabuse them of that notion.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.944 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 274
Name: An Eye for Terror
Cost: 10
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Patrol
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :28800
Location: Talador
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 1
Description: We need to shut down the legion gateways in operation within Shattrath. Strike out at their vigilant watchful eyes.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.945 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 404
Name: He Keeps it Where?
Cost: 50
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: True
DurationSeconds :86000
Location: Bloodmaul Stronghold
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 1
Description: A powerful Bloodmaul magma-shaper is using an Abrogator Stone as a piece of navel jewelry. Don't tell Khadgar where we got it.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.946 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 163
Name: Blow by Blow
Cost: 10
Xp: 800
XpBonus: 0
Level: 97
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :2700
Location: Spires of Arak
NumFollowers: 1
NumRewards: 1
Description: A vicious wind serpent appears to be acting on orders from an unseen master, wearing down our defenses. Seek out and end this threat.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.947 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 180
Name: Curiosity Killed Them
Cost: 10
Xp: 800
XpBonus: 0
Level: 97
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :3600
Location: Spires of Arak
NumFollowers: 1
NumRewards: 1
Description: Saberon have begun attacking with wild abandon. They believe they have nine lives. Prove them wrong.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.948 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: MissionId: 113
Name: Burning Legion Vanguard
Cost: 15
Xp: 1500
XpBonus: 0
Level: 100
ILevel: 0
Success: False
State: -2
Type: Combat
IsRare: False
DurationSeconds :28800
Location: Talador
NumFollowers: 3
NumRewards: 1
Description: With infernals and felguard invading Talador, the rest of the Burning Legion can't be far behind. Defeat them, and try to find their source.
materialMultiplier: 0
[10:29:27.949 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points for movement in Garrison.
[10:29:27.949 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Town Hall level 3 detected.
[10:29:27.986 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Town Hall level 3 DONE.
[10:29:27.986 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Mine level 2 detected.
[10:29:28.007 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Mine level 2 DONE.
[10:29:28.007 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Garden level 2 detected.
[10:29:28.009 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Garden level 2 DONE.
[10:29:28.009 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Generating Custom points: Done with 4585 points.
[10:29:28.210 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [3g66s89c]
[10:29:28.228 N] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found 5 completed missions to turn in.
[10:29:28.271 N] Switching bot to AutoAngler
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: AvoidLava: False
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: Fly: True
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: LootNPCs: False
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: Hat Id: 0
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: MainHand Id: 119459
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: OffHand Id: 0
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: MaxFailedCasts: 15
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: MaxTimeAtPool: 5
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: NinjaNodes: False
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: PathPrecision: 15
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: Poolfishing: False
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: TraceStep: 40
[10:29:28.271 D] AutoAngler 2.135: UseWaterWalking: True
[10:29:28.449 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Starting path generation.
[10:29:28.452 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found ClosestToNodes in 2ms.
[10:29:28.452 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found ClosestToNodes in 3ms.
[10:29:28.454 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found Any in 4ms.
[10:29:28.455 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found InitialiseGraph in 5ms.
[10:29:30.595 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found ProcessGraph in 2145ms.
[10:29:30.596 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Found ExtractPath in 2147ms.
[10:29:30.596 D] [GarrisonBuddy] 0.5.4: Path generated in 2147ms with 108 waypoints.
[10:29:31.225 N] (Singular) info: 3317 seconds since Mixed:AutoAngler BotBase last called Singular
[10:29:51.332 N] (Singular) info: 3337 seconds since Mixed:AutoAngler BotBase last called Singular