17 outstanding bugs, some of them over a month old but a mission system that needs 15 seconds alone to calculate the necessary scores. Yeah! *irony off*
Not fair, a big part of them are not even issues verified, they're there in case someone reports them again.
The rest well we will finally be able to focus completely on it, but don't imagine we forgot them, the main issues are coming in the beta conversation on a regular basis and we are trying to fix them.
For the past week while finishing the UI for example I have been trying to find out why HB would get stuck on the method returning to GB the directory name for the settings file.
We have no access to HB code, so we don't know why. We reported it twice in the official dev channel, nothing done, so we imagine it's up to us if we want to fix it.
But so far we have barely a few hints on what could be happening.
We have to restart WoW + bot more than a thousand times a day for debugging purposes, we also have to run dozens of characters to be able to simulate different setup.
So thoses bugs happen to us too and get us crazy. -_-
But we don't stop and we progress every time a bit further. So they will be fixed, and now we will be at 100% on it. ^^
new mission system in beta.. yeey! and blizz is changing them in like 4 days? soo we will wait again for redoin system again? what about other implements and bug fixes?
Well I know, we just spent the last 3 weeks knowing a new version was coming out and we would have to redo everything... life sucks...
Alright, more seriously, we checked the changes on the PTR and if they don't ninja us in between, there won't be a lot to modify on our hand since we took it into account in the system.
But you never know with Blizzard, so let's wait and see.