Do you really think Blizzard is doing so and downloading logs from our system? hrhr tin-foil hat stuff ^^
Sorry but people play pokefarmer and report everything on facebook and care about logfiles this way.
We will check the follower stuff. Please wait for the next update.
For example is a C# Console app I wrote that was able to parse this default setup forum, and extract the following log files easily. Further more, now that i know that forum uses that same static stub with basic authentication sessions enabled, you really just need to find a basic string.split("/") extraction process to ge the specific URL.
From there, given the Log files are in a set state (meaning you actually have a consistent format in the way you spit out the logs - time stamps and all). It's really just a matter of then running it through a SQL Reporting layer over already index data sets that are likely being used by Support Staff anyway.
The triggers i'd be looking for in order to pinpoint players of potential botting are specific signatures like Trinket Configuration, Class/Race logged in at specific times and so on. Now, given that search would extract out around a few hundred thousand toons of that specific type (assuming the toons in question aren't using a rare trinket combination at the exact time/date nominated), it's really then a mark and filter process. As lets face it, costs nothing to spin up cloud services to run random bot diagnostics against in order to isolate specific repeatable behaviours. For example, Grindbot often doesn't deviate from repetative XYZ coords provided (irregardless of the user creating custom or downloaded pathways) it still illustrates a signature in server-side collection(s).
So the next quesiton really is this in a natural language search pattern: "How many toons wearing trinketA and trinketB that have repetitive xyzCords that was loggedIn at Date/Time" ... you think a 100,000+ would come back or do you think maybe that hit would zero in very quickly.
Point is this, you can treat it as a joke but in the end you're the one fielding ban reports not me, so you may know more than I do. Personally, i'd still go out of my way to really dig in and make sure i was protecting my consumers, or are we just easy cash, as personally I'd prefer we work as partners in this equation.
Thats my 2c anyway.