Preferred range toon (tested on melee, only problems were Ironbore and The Garn with the Combat Routines, I advise doing them by hand).
Stables in the North East slot for Ally and South East for Horde. Not 100% required but makes the pathing to the questgivers more reliable.
Doing pre-requisites by hand.
Advised that you pick up the black claw of sethe just to save time for that achievement (it's on the floor of the level 2 stables).
Let me know if there are any issues, it was one of my first profiles and I went back and changed a lot of it an hour ago. I also added the Master of Mounts achievement but haven't tested it so be warned about that one.
It picks up the quests if in garrison, goes and does them, then hearths back and turns them in (uses CTM to get out of Ally town hall) before stopping.
As for the barn trapping, speaks for itself. Works reliably. Level 3 and level 2 included, doesn't queue work orders. I advise a strong toon for the level 3 savage blood + feast trapping, and even then expect the combat routine to die maybe every 10 mobs. Direfang Alphas give better return per mob (depending on feast prices) but are nigh on impossible for a CR to take down reliably.
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Not my best work, but it should get most of the job done.
Edit: Got The Garn/maimclaw working with dodging the swipe so hopefully it can handle it (Ironbore's still iffy I'm afraid). Also updated it again after the edit to make it slightly more reliable with an ignorecombat.