Jep, i m still playing with Give me the Update - cant wait for itHow do I get the update? the streamed HB-Shop version doenst work.
Hey, i bought your CR while it was available in shop, does it get updated there or do i have to do it manualy?
if manualy - how do i do it?
It isn't optimized for the T18 set-bonuses that's for sure.For the ppl using FU2, is it working as intended at the moment?
It isn't optimized for the T18 set-bonuses that's for sure.
Other than that it works well. On the other hand, the T18 set-bonuses actually changes more than previous set-bonuses have. So it's a shame not having the CR updated properly at least for 6.2.2 especially since the 4-pc fury bonus is getting buffed making every crit with Wild Strike reduce the CD of Recklessness with 30sec.
It does affect Arms. Even though I haven't played Gladiator, with regards to the nature of the 4pc- bonus it shouldn't affect Gladiator stance so much since the routine already uses Shield Charge enough while the 2pc bonus only adds extra damage while enraged.Does the lack of a proper update state effect all warrior specs equally when it comes to T18 set bonuses or are some specs less effected? i.e. arms of gladiator spec. Thanks!
It does affect Arms. Even though I haven't played Gladiator, with regards to the nature of the 4pc- bonus it shouldn't affect Gladiator stance so much since the routine already uses Shield Charge enough while the 2pc bonus only adds extra damage while enraged.
When it comes to Protection it's more of a reactive use. Last Stand gets reduced in CD and while it's active your Shield Barrier's increased by 100%. So you shouldn't spam it anyway, only use it manually.
TL;DR. It mostly affects arms and fury, but gladiator isn't even a competitive spec so this is actually a problem.
Latest update: Only arms is left for changes, rest is done.
What a shame this CR looks to be on the back burner. What exactly happened to turn so many developers away from HB?
Ive used this cr for a long time now, just coming back to the game after a short time off only to find desolate cr's!
I hope you bring it back to life Nom, it's had it's ups and downs but always been super responsive and productive on fixing bugs. I've still got a raging erection from when you announced FU3 and to be honest I had hoped to come here to read all about it!
For the ppl using FU2, is it working as intended at the moment?
Hey there Nom,
I want to offer some advice from the perspective of someone who is an entrepreneur. Those of us that enjoy the use of your combat routine will pay for an upgrade if that is what it costs. The SquareSpace business model is not built on bargain basement prices, it is built on high end customization for those who want to have a certain level of control over their online personal space. Your routine features both customization and thoughtful design/logic. If the store is changing their method and/or percentage stake that is none of our business. However, if you feel the need to change your pricing, you have that right and should not feel obligated to provide your time for free simply because your user-base is established and the majority of individuals looking for the 3rd installment are expecting free upgrades. Another example is the Adobe model that for years operated on a upgrade release and now charges a monthly subscription. You are entitled to recoup expenses however you see fit and I hope that you take this to heart. You have a great thing going. Keep it going.
Notice the use of the word "majority"?
Likely due to the fact that was included with the purchase price of his routine to begin with. New customers don't get it free, old customers don't either - we already paid for it.
Not to mention it has been in the works since he was under contract (believe he still is) and I "think" it's also part of that contract. If not legitimately he's already spoken on it long before his hiatus.
Either way, it's neither here nor there at this point.
He is no longer under contract concerning this product. So anything he has changed since is just to be nice.
You mean other than detection on 5/13 eating most of their accounts? The follow up pulling of arena support? Or the final /nutkick which was likely the increase in already ginormous profit sharing required to develop for bossland?
Given the state of things you'd think it would be retracted and the opposite done. Course that same logic applies to updating hb to x64.
For better or worse bossland isn't ashamed to lead with his wallet. You either put up or shut up cause if you don't they will find someone who will apparently.
Largely my 2c on the drama of the last few months.
At least he's updating for his customers of old, that's more than you can say for many who participated in the exodus.