FPS, Are you planning on implementation of beacon of light? Beacon self would suffice, as of now its being waste. Another thing is.. when running holy its attacking a lot, could there be a disable all offensive combat button?
Hey buddy,
Having a few problems with this CC atm. As of the latest version from the SVN the cc is not attacking things it targets.
Heres my Log!
Let me know if you need anymore information..
Hey fpsware, I am only now getting to test this cc. It doesn't seem to use Inquisition, wouldn't this be easy to setup? Also could you make it use Zealotry? I know Zealotry is a bit tricky but you could make it do a calculation like if health of mob > 3 times health of toon it would pop zealotry after it has Inquisition up?
It will be a few days, at least. My wife and I have doing some work around the house.
1. Use Tortoise SVN
2. Create a folder called Fpsware Paladin in the HB\CustomClasses folder.
3. Right click on the Fpsware Paladin folder.
3. select SVN Checkout....
4. Paste the link for the Paladin CC (link in my signature).
5. Done.
Thanks for the CC!
I keep getting an error. It cannot find settings.xml in the specified path. I manually checked, and it is indeed there. Log file is uploaded. Any fix I can do on my end? View attachment 21552