Ehm.... may I ask why this is the case? You are ignoring a low cd 4-500% boost in power for 20 secs...Its already supported, but only inside instance and only on instance bosses.
Ehm.... may I ask why this is the case? You are ignoring a low cd 4-500% boost in power for 20 secs...Its already supported, but only inside instance and only on instance bosses.
Why doesn't the CC use Crusader Strike? It doesn't use it and can't find anything about it in options. It would really speed up low level levelling if you got that in.
Thank you very much for this CC, but it would be awesome if Redemption was supported, because people spotted me as being a bot when I didn't resurrected them when they asked for it.
Hey, I get this error ( Check attachement ) when I start the bot and press "cc configuration". I have no idea what causes it, but when I click cc configuration I select FPSware and then the error come.
I've made a new folder in CC folder named: "Fpsware Paladin"!
And if I ignore that window and click the "x" the bot just stands there.
Ehm.... may I ask why this is the case? You are ignoring a low cd 4-500% boost in power for 20 secs...
Because that is the way I wanted it at the time.
Are the times a changing, to quote Bob ?
You said "thats the way i wanted it at the time", have you changed your mind and it may be implimented as general DPS now, just not bosses ?
#region Inquisition
public class NeedToInquisition : Decorator
public NeedToInquisition(Composite child) : base(child) { }
protected override bool CanRun(object context)
string spellName = "Inquisition";
if (!Utils.IsCommonChecksOk(spellName, false)) return false;
// Credit to Mord and Bobby for this snipit of code.
const string InqBuffName = "Inquisition";
Lua.DoString("buffName,_,_,stackCount,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff(\"player\",\"" + InqBuffName + "\")");
string buffName = Lua.GetLocalizedText("buffName", Me.BaseAddress);
if (buffName == InqBuffName) return false;
if (Me.CurrentHolyPower <= 2) return false;
return (Spell.CanCast(spellName));
public class Inquisition : Action
protected override RunStatus Run(object context)
string spellName = "Inquisition";
bool result = Spell.Cast(spellName);
return result ? RunStatus.Success : RunStatus.Failure;
#region Hand of Light
public class NeedToHandOfLight : Decorator
public NeedToHandOfLight(Composite child) : base(child) { }
protected override bool CanRun(object context)
string spellName = "Templar's Verdict";
if (!Utils.IsCommonChecksOk(spellName, false)) return false;
// Credit to Mord and Bobby for this snipit of code.
const string HoLBuffName = "Hand of Light";
Lua.DoString("buffName,_,_,stackCount,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff(\"player\",\"" + HoLBuffName + "\")");
string buffName = Lua.GetLocalizedText("buffName", Me.BaseAddress);
if (buffName != HoLBuffName) return false;
return (Spell.CanCast(spellName));
public class HandOfLight : Action
protected override RunStatus Run(object context)
string spellName = "Templar's Verdict";
const string InqBuffName = "Inquisition";
Lua.DoString("buffName,_,_,stackCount,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff(\"player\",\"" + InqBuffName + "\")");
string buffName = Lua.GetLocalizedText("buffName", Me.BaseAddress);
if (buffName != InqBuffName) spellName = "Inquisition";
bool result = Spell.Cast(spellName);
return result ? RunStatus.Success : RunStatus.Failure;
// ************************************************************************************
// Important/time sensative spells here
// These are spells that need to be case asap
// Hammer Of Wrath
new NeedToHammerOfWrath(new HammerOfWrath()),
// Emergency Heal
new NeedToEmergencyHeal(new EmergencyHeal()),
// Rebuke
new NeedToRebuke(new Rebuke()),
// Inquisition
new NeedToInquisition(new Inquisition()),
// Avenging Wrath
new NeedToAvengingWrath(new AvengingWrath()),
// Zealotry
new NeedToZealotry(new Zealotry()),
// Hammer Of Justice
new NeedToHammerOfJustice(new HammerOfJustice()),
// TheArtOfWar
new NeedToTheArtOfWar(new TheArtOfWar()),
// Hand of Light
new NeedToHandOfLight(new HandOfLight()),
// Templars Verdict
new NeedToTemplarsVerdict(new TemplarsVerdict()),
// Divine Storm
new NeedToDivineStorm(new DivineStorm()),
// Crusader Strike / Hammer of the Righteous
new NeedToMainDPSSpell(new MainDPSSpell()),
// Judgement
new NeedToJudgement(new Judgement()),
// Holy Wrath
new NeedToHolyWrath(new HolyWrath()),
// Consecration
new NeedToConsecration(new Consecration())
I've got the problem that it doesn't cast exocism under Art of war... playing on French lang pack ... could it be the problem ?
I can't figure out how to set this up to only use WoG with 3 HP, can anyone help? ATM it just spams WoG at every 1HP.