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Fpsware Hunter

Does CC use Arcane Shot??
Is it a issue or my problem?

My Fpsware Hunter xml has <ArcaneShot>... always</ArcaneShot>
Doesn?t work at all...
Edit: It is working with Ally KickAss, but not for Horde profile...



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It is working with Ally KickAss, but not for Horde profile

Isn't that the plan LOL
I will answer all questions as soon as I can. I've been extremely busy with 'life' over the last 3 weeks. My wife has been in and out of hospital over 2 weeks, I started a new job last week and I have other obligations to deal with.

I've not given up on anything; development will continue - time permitting.
I will answer all questions as soon as I can. I've been extremely busy with 'life' over the last 3 weeks. My wife has been in and out of hospital over 2 weeks, I started a new job last week and I have other obligations to deal with.

I've not given up on anything; development will continue - time permitting.

Take all the time you need, family and life takes presidence over WoW. I wish you and you wife the best.
Error trying to get into settings

Awesome classes first off, however I've only been able to use two of the ones that have an older code and I've been scratching my head trying to figure this out. I get the same error in the log each time I try to get into the class settings.


no settings menu

In each CC developed there are .JPG's of a settings menu, but for the life of me i have no idea where its located. Tried everything with no luck. Any ideas?
Does CC use Arcane Shot??
Is it a issue or my problem?

My Fpsware Hunter xml has <ArcaneShot>... always</ArcaneShot>
Doesn?t work at all...
Edit: It is working with Ally KickAss, but not for Horde profile...

It's not using Arcane Shot for me either.
When time allows.

Could you improve the use of Feign Death.

could you make it like Me.HasAggro && Me.CurrentTarget.healthPercent > 25 && Me.Currenttarget.Distance <= 8 or something.(in a BT way ofcourse)

Now it looks plain silly when toon fakes death at the same instant the target dies etc etc etc

Or an option in the GUI to set distance to mob when feign death is active
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It uses steady Shot alot, It should only use steady shot (and twice) if Marks says "oom" im journal log ><, i get +50 focus per kill and am always full. Would be nice if we could just have a Rotation box (if this is possible)

Pet attack+aimed shot+chim shot usually already results in a Kill at even level vs non-elites as a marks that focuses stam>agl>crit, It dumps the bar VERY fast ofc, but +50 focus after kill and im full btt i get to the next target.
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I deleted my previous file and created a new to use the trunk and now the class options do not work with this.

I tried to revert to the downloaded file, but again it does not work.
Log attached


kickazz you sexy coder, is there any way to get the CC to not Disengage me off cliffs :P is there a sensor that senses when it is safe? if not could you implement one?
Can someone post here CC settings so my hunter would make some decent dps? I've tried all CC's available and either they don't work at all, or do a couple of shots and stand. Basically they do 4 to 10 times less damage than the rest of the party consisting of bots. I have BM and MM specs, both have tragic dps.
after every node gathered , it gave me this error in Debug :"[8:21:10 PM:479] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Hera.Fpsware.Pulse() in c:\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5198\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter [7-06-2011]\Class Specific\Misc\CC.cs:line 70
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() "

something wrong? i just downloaded this CC and it seems it doesnt stop gathering or anything , but didnt have a chance to see it in combat until now.


I've been having no issues with this until just today. After hitting 67 last night I noticed the bot running for x feet then stopping and printing Spell_C::CastSpell(14559, 0, 0x0,0) to the debug log then running on. Wouldn't be an issue if it didn't stop to do it but it makes it look extremely bottish.

I assumed 14559 is the spell ID which would make it Increased Frost Resistance according to wowhead: Increased Frost Resist 20 - Spell - World of Warcraft but that makes no sense.

I've attached my log and any help would be greatly appreciated.



How can i install this CC

I have downloaded this CC. And now i dont know how i can install this.
Please help, thanks.

I have 1 Data fpsware.cs and 2 folders Class Specific and Flib. in class specific are 2 another folders.

please help me and say me where i should paste this folders and datas at honorbuddy, thank you very much.

Best regards,

Ps.: An when i installed this then, where i can start the settings window?? normaly in custom class settings in honorbuddy?

EDIT: Ok i think i understand it now ;) try it when i come home from work.
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