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Fpsware Hunter

When I click CC Config I get this:


Any help? Im a newbie

Nevermind, randomly fixed itself

I get the same error ...
Pet happiness does not effect the rate at which your pet takes damange, it only effects how much damaged your pet does.

I will not implement a Feed Pet option. The only options you have (on the advanced tab) are Ignore (does nothing at all) and Glyph of Mend Pet (casts Mend Pet). Until you are level 25 and can get the glyph, just do nothing. The only thing that suffers is a little bit of pet damage loss.
It was literally answered on this page.

@lashley ya, I'm getting that to.
Make sure you guys are clicking the CC config while the bot is running.
I had issues with clicking it while Hb was not running and got a huge error.
It should work while the bot is running.
Make sure you guys are clicking the CC config while the bot is running.
I had issues with clicking it while Hb was not running and got a huge error.
It should work while the bot is running.

I tested this, and this must not be the same issue because its still happens with me.

I get the same "UnhandledThread Exception" error when trying to click "CC Config" whether the bot is running or not.
Hi fpsware.

I just though I would mention that I am leveling 80-85 as Marksmanship spec and everything is working great. I really love this custom class.

I saw in a previous thread that you were requesting non-BeastMaster hunters to submit their settings, so here are mine.


About the only feature I would like to have added is the ability to use Misdirection on my pet on every pull or new target. Glyph of Misdirection is an amazing glyph to use while grinding, farming, etc. This would help decrease the amount of time it takes to kill each mob when aggro is gained. Even if I do get aggro, disengage and Feign Death work perfectly. Taking advantage of the Glyph of Misdirection would just be icing on the cake.

This would also mean I wouldn't have to open each fight with Concussive shot. Currently, I do not wish to open with Concussive Shot, but it seems I have to, since there is currently no option to disable it.

Speaking of Misdirection, I've only noticed one tiny issue with this custom class. When dismounting and immediately engaging a mob, it will not use Misdirection in any situation, nor will it wait for your pet to get in range of the mob before attacking. This almost always results in getting aggro.

Thanks so much for all of your hard work.

@Pearl1219: The setting is on the Advanced tab of the CC Configuration window.
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I tested this, and this must not be the same issue because its still happens with me.

I get the same "UnhandledThread Exception" error when trying to click "CC Config" whether the bot is running or not.

No log file or useful information.
What is the Pre-Loot Movement option?

Pre-loot movement:
If the hunter is at ranged distance and the pet currently has aggro and the targets health is below 25% the hunter will run towards the target in anticipation of looting. Hopefully, the target is dead by the time the hunter arrives in melee range.
Would be nice to add that option: On add: Use frost trap and step back 1 yard
Any chance to add Cobra Shot as an option? Thanks for a great CC! + rep
Perhaps im just stupid, but i cant see my bot is using it.. it`s 81 and ive already trained the spell.. Do i need to edit any config line or so to enable so it uses Cobra Shot?

Ahh just read in another thread about this error, seems i have to start the bot for the CC config to work. Sorry for the double post, feel free to delete.
Perhaps im just stupid, but i cant see my bot is using it.. it`s 81 and ive already trained the spell.. Do i need to edit any config line or so to enable so it uses Cobra Shot?


You don't need to do anything, it will automatically use the spell if it's known.
Hope this is what you were looking for, pretty new here still.

Is this a full log file? It does not even tell me what class you are. And the only error appearing in the log is with the Paladin CC.