I can confirm...using HB .4620 facing the target is working properly........it is NOT working using any HB version after .4620
Soz for all the complaining Fpsware.....
Thank you for all the amazing CC's!
Question though , Is it possible for the druid to go into Cat form + stealth at the start of a BG. I know it's not pvp supported yet, but I enjoy the CC and have been using it in BG's leveling a baby druid. (AB weekend) It looks bad when the druid waits around to go into cat form / stealth as enemies are already on me.
I have used your rogue CC and it was nice having the stealth always option available.
Thank you again.
Glad its working for you and we've hopefully proven where the fauly lays.
I can confirm...using HB .4620 facing the target is working properly........it is NOT working using any HB version after .4620
Soz for all the complaining Fpsware.....
Glad its working for you and we've hopefully proven where the fauly lays.
It?s only not working for neutral mobs (i forgot that to say^^)
Activity: Pulling Dragonblight Mage Hunter now.
Activity: Pulling
Spell_C::CastSpell(49376, 0, 0xF13066A800760100, 0) [5]
-Feral Charge (Cat)
Activity: Pulling Dragonblight Mage Hunter now.
Activity: Pulling
Spell_C::CastSpell(6785, 0, 0xF13066A800760100, 0) [6]
New combat target Dragonblight Mage Hunter, resetting combat timer.
Interact Done:717120388
Activity: Combat
Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF13066A800760100, 0) [7]
We're having an 'Oh Shit' moment. Using Super Mana Potion
Interact Done:717120388
Interact Done:717120388
Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF13066A800760100, 0) [8]
-Mangle (Cat)
Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF13066A800760100, 0) [9]
Interact Done:717120388
We're having an 'Oh Shit' moment. Using Super Mana Potion
Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
We're having an 'Oh Shit' moment. Using Super Mana Potion
it uses this with full mana, vs 1 mob non-elite, sometimes with 80+ health
hope i could help
a piece of log
using the fpsware druid version 0.0.9 atm, this is working perfectly. but the new one doesn?t pull neutral mobs for me.
suggestion: doing raf atm with druid and hunter, and it would be nice if you could add a feature for raf in all your cc?s that the leader doesn?t ignore the mob, if the follower already has pulled the targetted mob 1 second before. because my druid is running to his target, the hunter also pulls the mob, and is faster....and then the druid ignores the target and runs to another one.
Encoutered a problem with my cat positioning itself with a back to attacking mob, and istead of fighting, just healing, then dieing.
do i have to paste+copy everything from the svn to the files on my pc?^^ Is there any possiblity to download this?
Fpsware, i definitely like you'r CC mate. Thanks!
To bad for me i found it after my druid dinged 80..
Anyways, i'm thinking about donating you some, it's really great!