well that was epic... been farming mount everyday for a couple of weeks now as soon as i did the profile, the mount dropped!
Many thanks works like a charm + rep.
Sume how my mage managed to die on anzu if he dies he will walk in ghost infrot of dungeon and stops there.
And when i walked him in he started runnning into walls xD.
I finnaly got this yesterday. (Thanks!)
I made a few changes to the profile and I can send it to you eckoro if you want to have a look at it.
What I actually did was make it totally automatic from dalaran (as alliance, can add horde too) and after the run it would hearthstone back to dalaran and quit the game.
does this kill everything in the instance? or just the boss? cos farming cloth with this would be nice!
Ok ty 4 the fast replywill try it out