Two bars to 77, and it wants to grind to 80. I don't know if this is right or not.
If it's not, might be something wrong with it. It says in info 'grinding to 80' and that's what it seems to be trying to do.
Also it keeps getting stuck on 'dismounting for combat'. It just sits there in mid air on the mount and does nothing until I restart it, sometimes not even then. It does this in Icecrown near The Argent Vanguard and now and again in other places. Mostly just near the Argent Vanguard though. I know it's not a CC issue, I've looked in to that.
Is there a way to not let it grind from 78-80? I am doing 2 toons RAF and they get triple XP when handing in quests. Right now both toons are 68 and I plan to use this profile at lvl 70. My question is, since both my toons will be getting triple exp when handing in quests, they'll be leveling quicker per quest. I want it to quest all the way to 80 and not grind. So is there a way to do this? Thanks OP.
Use Kick's Horde Questing profiles.
Archeology is the only wayKicks is Ally 70-80. I'm Horde
<PickUp QuestName="Shield Hill" QuestId="11424" GiverName="『鋼鋸』潔妮" GiverId="24252" />
<Objective QuestName="Shield Hill" QuestId="11424" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="34043" CollectCount="5" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Shield Hill" QuestId="11424" TurnInName="『鋼鋸』潔妮" TurnInId="24252" />