This guy is only saying thanks for the bot beeing so badass. Please take in consideration his explanation of the time played versus the level and gold gained might be different than the one you have in mind. He says bought last night, been on all day, till maintenance... does it make 15 hours of botting or 30? lets says he downloaded it at 6 pm, his friend shows him to put stuff up, he bot 30 hours in a row, he leveled 50 levels.
50 levels in 30 hours is quite possible for a heirlooms geared bot imho.
Welcome to the community Hvan, I would be more than happy if you become quickly as good to coding as you are to startup bot.
Good work!!
it was around 32 hours, and i dont realise what all the anger and hostility is... i only wanted to share what i left with and what i came back to, it is a paladin and my friend sent me this email thing about world of warcraft about a week ago, im guessing thats what you mean by RAF (recruit a friend), im sorry if my post has caused hostility and it was around 6.7 k gold not exactly 7000 gold ill even post an SS here now that my pally turned 90 last night. only if you guys are that hung up on it
(Edit: and thankyou HB670 your one of the good forum posters i plan to check out coding but ive never really had much luck in that area)