Ello, as promised, im uploading my heavily edited feral (and only feral) druid routine.
There is far to much changes to post them one by one, so im uploading current file.
What changes have been made:
1. "Stampeding Roar" and "Dash" removed from pull and movement part of routine completely (i like to use them manually), "Wild Charge" and "Displacer Beast" are still there, unchanged.
2a. "Faerie Fire" and "Faerie Swarm" will not break stealth any more. Default opener from stealth is "Pounce" to put bleed debuff on. They will be cast upon combat start.
2b. If you are not in stealth or target is flying "Faerie Fire" and "Faerie Swarm" will be used as pull spells.
3. "Rejuvenation" - removed from rotation in combat (not beneficial at all for ferals) but it will be cast out of combat when you are < 25% HP.
4. "Healing Touch" will be cast in combat if you have "Predatory Swiftness" buff active, it will be cast together with "Nature's Swiftness" talent (if you have if) when you are < 60% HP for instant heal, or if you have "Omen of Clarity" and you are < 30% HP. It will be cast out of combat when you are < 25% HP.
5. If you have "Glyph of Savage Roar" which is mandatory feral glyph "Savage roar" will be used with 0 Combat Points if you dont have "Savage Roar" buff on and you are in combat.
6. "Rip" uptime has highest priority, following by "Savage roar"
7. "Ferocious Bite" will now be used if you have "Savage roar" buff and your target has more than 5sec on "Rip" debuff.
8. "Tiger Fury" will now be cast when you have < 40 energy when its off cooldown to prevent wasting energy.
9. "Berserk" will be cast only if you have "Tigers Fury" buff on.
10. "Incarnation" will be cast when you have "Berserk" and "Tigers Fury" buff's on. - "Wanna cuddle!?" time!

11. "Savage Defense" removed - its guardian specialization.
Now, for bugs that i found and im unable to bypass, or at least without help:
1. Even if you are in flight form, if you enter combat on ground - insta shift in cat form.
2. "Might of Ursoc" will be canceled as soon as you have > 30% HP which will happen instantly cause MoU increases your HP by 30%.
3. I wanted for "Rip" to be cast only on "elite" mobs, since normal mobs die to fast to be used as part of rotation. However, since "Ferocious Bite" has > 5s "Rip" condition this resulted in "Ferocious Bite" not used. Simple fix is to remove that condition, however i didnt do so since my prior was to maximize "Rip" and "Savage Roar" uptime.
Im open for any suggestions and bugs, please comment ill try to fix them if i can.
NOTE: I probably forgot something to mention, im editing this heavily so i forgot what/how basic version had/cast/worked.
NOTE2: Im doing ONLY FERAL rotation, nothing else. This is still in process of editing, im focused on building solid raiding rotation, so things/numbers will most probably change.

NOTE3: will have to edit "Mange" condition to add some code, it looks like mangle should be preferred when certain conditions are met.
Originally posted by
handnavi (
thanks!), developer of "SuperBad" feral routine,
Mangle is better then Shred if all of the following criterias met:
- Omen of Clarity is not up.
- Berserk is not up.
- Savage Roar remains <2 sec and 0 combo points OR Rip remains < 3 sec and < 5 combo points.
In any other situtation Shred is of course preferred.
Change "Mangle" part of code (first one is original, so you can revert back if my edit doesnt work:
Me.CatForm = 1
Me.Energy > 50
Into this:
Me.CatForm = 1
Me.HasAura("Omen of Clarity") = 0
Me.HasAura("Savage Roar") = 1
Target.MyAuraExpiring("Rip") < 3000
Me.ComboPoints < 5
This need's testing since im not sure that "Omen of Clarity" is codded. Condition for using mange is a bit tough to code, with this code im pretty much only able to do something like this.
True code should look something like this:
Me.CatForm = 1
Me.HasAura("Omen of Clarity") = 0
Me.MyAuraExpiring("Savage Roar") < 2000
Me.ComboPoints = 0
Me.HasAura("Omen of Clarity") = 0
Target.MyAuraExpiring("Rip") < 3000
Me.ComboPoints < 5
Like i said, im not quite sure that im able/know to add dual conditions to code, so im trying to code it as close as i can. In this example above, i dont know is routine coded for "Me.MyAuraExpiring" and, previously said, "Omen of Clarity."