hey joebrewski I must say I'm a huge fan of your random grind implementation in joe's! I was wondering if to my request in the prior post it would be possible to check for red (broken) gear when respawning at the medcenter and then fixing it at the nearby medic droid? My toon mostly just runs back into the nearest mob group to die with broken gear, I understand that if this gets out of control and it always repairs your gear you could end up completely broke because your toon keeps dieing all night long and spending credits on repairs... a flag if you want your toon to repair on respawn just like a random grind flag or so would be beyond awesome

Yes, I added that flag a couple of days back - set UseVendor to true in MercHelpers - to repair and sell on Rez at MedCenter. It will do it at most, every 20 minutes. It DOES NOT check gear durability - tried that already and it's way too sketchy to use. Code begins at IAmDead(), and calls the UseVendor() routine.
ah and btw I'm not sure if you have addressed this with your newest version but as I'm currently botting a sage I've come to notice that sorc/sage tend to start spamming heals after they drop below a certain threshhold (my guess is around 60% hp?) anyway since a couple of mobs are hitting on my toon he instantly after a heal drops back below the threshhold and essentially keeps himself in a heal loop not doing anything else than healing himself back up... if you could show me where the rotation is implemented I'd have a look at it myself otherwise my idea was to only let the character heal every few cycles or smt like that... I'd like to address this issue since a character only healing himself up and not doing anything else and then dieing when out of force is pretty bott-like and could easily be spotted...
Think I've already coded Mercs and other classes to do that ('white damage spam to avoid the Healing Black Hole' but will look into it for Consulars. Also, make sure you're not wayyy undergeared for the current area. Will notify.
thanks again for your awesome work and keep it up!
ps. I know I'm asking a bunch but it just came to my mind that if my toon could heal his companion that would also increase my success in botting ^^ just a thought!